It has been a privilege to write horoscopes and blog about astrology for the past year or so. It was a joy to be able to combine two of my greatest passions: astrology and writing.
I will continue to look to the heavens for some guidance through these uncertain times, and I hope you all do the same. Whatever 2011 may bring, I'm sure we will all at some point benefit from some interstellar enlightenment. However, my work schedule is making it increasingly difficult to give my horoscope writing the time and attention it deserves. Also, in the interest of not ignoring my other passions, I have recently begun several musical projects that are going to occupy any free time I may find.
Therefore, Practical Astrology is now officially "inactive"
I'd like to say a brief thank you for everyone who read and gave feedback on my writing. Thank you to everyone who opened their minds to the possibilities of astrology.
Life is a complex, interesting, and sometimes daunting journey; travel safely, and may the stars be with you.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Mer(cu)ry Retrograde, and Happy Full Moon!
You've probably heard the hype about it. A total lunar eclipse with a Full Moon (in Gemini) aligns with the winter solstice as well as the Sun's transit to Capricorn, an extremely rare phenomenon that hasn't happened since 1638. To catch tonight the most visibly stunning lunar eclipse seen in North America in several years, stand outside around 3:00am EDT, look up, and enjoy. Or, if you're a morning person, you should be able to catch some eye candy until around 5am tomorrow.

Witnessing this phenomenon serves to remind us of our part in a much larger play happening around us. With the Sun and Moon moving into earth and water signs (respectively), we have an opportunity to be wise and pensive, with patience as a functional virtue. In fact, patience and tact are going to be crucial in the upcoming days, as out Sun heads for the wake of some dense planetary aspects amidst a Mercury retrograde cycle.
A brief history lesson can help us to know what to expect from this rare and powerful astrology.
Fast paced Mercury and fiery, passionate Mars have proved a powerful pairing with retrograde cycles recently. Back in August, at the head of Mercury's last retrograde station, the conjunction (and subsequent separation) of Mars with romantic counterpart Venus in cardinal Libra created a very unstable scenario for relationships. Trust was an issue, which led to feelings of isolation when we realized that we could not reliably communicate with and interact with one another.
Next, it was Venus' turn to trick our eyes and move backwards through the zodiac in early October, just after a second conjunction with Mars. When Venus turned around to relive its past, Mars pressed forward and never looked back. Later that month, Mercury stepped in to conjoin the wayward Venus just as Mars entered fiery Sagittarius to add a dramatic and potentially volatile aspect to our relationships. As a result, arguments and misunderstandings were the theme for early November, all the way up to the 17th when Venus stationed direct.
This Mercury retrograde, which began Friday the 10th, is affected by another strong aspect with Mars: a three-way conjunction with Pluto as an overbearing third wheel. Said conjunction occurred last week in the early degrees of Capricorn, an aspect that created a powerful cardinal square to the Moon's ingress of Aries. Studying the patterns of Mercury and Mars, incorporating the drama and intensity of Pluto, and considering the power of the early degrees of these cardinal signs (Capricorn and Aries), one can see the amassing of some very powerful energies around the next big happening: the alignment of the center of our solar system and the center of our galaxy this past Saturday*.
Communication and its failure being the operative downfall in Mercury retrogrades, remember to think before you speak. Especially with Mars and Pluto involved, we are to quick to overdramatize a situation, and even quicker to assess blame and start an argument. Relax. The energy of tomorrow represents a bubbling over of forces, and you will feel less pressure afterwards. Sit down face to face with someone you trust this week, and relay off them your uncertainties. Their feedback will help you not only with your issues at hand, but also to establish reliable communications with someone who you care about. They will similarly appreciate the experience.

Looking forward now, the disintegration of the action in early Capricorn paves the sun a road of acquiring practical knowledge and experience, especially as it distances itself from retrograde Mercury. Sun in Capricorn is a time of practicality: an opportunity to assess your failures and/or open your ears to learning from the successes of your superiors or ancestors. Additionally, Venus is in her echo phase (covering new ground since her retrograde cycle), which gives us an increased appreciation for the beauty and love of our close friends and family (in true holiday spirit).
Mercury stations direct two days before the New Year, and 2011 kicks off with a Moon in Sagittarius, marking a perfect opportunity to make a realistic resolution for the New Year. 2010 was an exciting year for astrology, and writing about it has been a challenging, complex, and incredibly rewarding experience. We'll talk soon about the astrological offerings of 2011.
Until then, happy winter!
*Happening once a year, the Sun's alignment with the galactic core often gives us some rare insight about ourselves. Whatever you spent this past Saturday night doing alongside this alignment is indicative of your ideal relationships, and the connections you made probably taught you something about the way you interact with those close to you (or those you want to bring closer to you). However, this major alignment acts now only as a factor in the equation that sums the great powers of this upcoming solstice/eclipse/transit/Full Moon.
Witnessing this phenomenon serves to remind us of our part in a much larger play happening around us. With the Sun and Moon moving into earth and water signs (respectively), we have an opportunity to be wise and pensive, with patience as a functional virtue. In fact, patience and tact are going to be crucial in the upcoming days, as out Sun heads for the wake of some dense planetary aspects amidst a Mercury retrograde cycle.
A brief history lesson can help us to know what to expect from this rare and powerful astrology.
Fast paced Mercury and fiery, passionate Mars have proved a powerful pairing with retrograde cycles recently. Back in August, at the head of Mercury's last retrograde station, the conjunction (and subsequent separation) of Mars with romantic counterpart Venus in cardinal Libra created a very unstable scenario for relationships. Trust was an issue, which led to feelings of isolation when we realized that we could not reliably communicate with and interact with one another.
Next, it was Venus' turn to trick our eyes and move backwards through the zodiac in early October, just after a second conjunction with Mars. When Venus turned around to relive its past, Mars pressed forward and never looked back. Later that month, Mercury stepped in to conjoin the wayward Venus just as Mars entered fiery Sagittarius to add a dramatic and potentially volatile aspect to our relationships. As a result, arguments and misunderstandings were the theme for early November, all the way up to the 17th when Venus stationed direct.
This Mercury retrograde, which began Friday the 10th, is affected by another strong aspect with Mars: a three-way conjunction with Pluto as an overbearing third wheel. Said conjunction occurred last week in the early degrees of Capricorn, an aspect that created a powerful cardinal square to the Moon's ingress of Aries. Studying the patterns of Mercury and Mars, incorporating the drama and intensity of Pluto, and considering the power of the early degrees of these cardinal signs (Capricorn and Aries), one can see the amassing of some very powerful energies around the next big happening: the alignment of the center of our solar system and the center of our galaxy this past Saturday*.
Communication and its failure being the operative downfall in Mercury retrogrades, remember to think before you speak. Especially with Mars and Pluto involved, we are to quick to overdramatize a situation, and even quicker to assess blame and start an argument. Relax. The energy of tomorrow represents a bubbling over of forces, and you will feel less pressure afterwards. Sit down face to face with someone you trust this week, and relay off them your uncertainties. Their feedback will help you not only with your issues at hand, but also to establish reliable communications with someone who you care about. They will similarly appreciate the experience.
Looking forward now, the disintegration of the action in early Capricorn paves the sun a road of acquiring practical knowledge and experience, especially as it distances itself from retrograde Mercury. Sun in Capricorn is a time of practicality: an opportunity to assess your failures and/or open your ears to learning from the successes of your superiors or ancestors. Additionally, Venus is in her echo phase (covering new ground since her retrograde cycle), which gives us an increased appreciation for the beauty and love of our close friends and family (in true holiday spirit).
Mercury stations direct two days before the New Year, and 2011 kicks off with a Moon in Sagittarius, marking a perfect opportunity to make a realistic resolution for the New Year. 2010 was an exciting year for astrology, and writing about it has been a challenging, complex, and incredibly rewarding experience. We'll talk soon about the astrological offerings of 2011.
Until then, happy winter!
*Happening once a year, the Sun's alignment with the galactic core often gives us some rare insight about ourselves. Whatever you spent this past Saturday night doing alongside this alignment is indicative of your ideal relationships, and the connections you made probably taught you something about the way you interact with those close to you (or those you want to bring closer to you). However, this major alignment acts now only as a factor in the equation that sums the great powers of this upcoming solstice/eclipse/transit/Full Moon.
Friday, October 29, 2010
November 2010: Thoughts Into Actions
In order to piece together the astrological happenings of upcoming November, we must first look back upon the events of this past week to provide a little background.
On Saturday, the 23rd, our brilliant autumn Sun left the scales of air sign Libra for the water sign Scorpio. This transit corresponded with Mars (in Scorpio) and Uranus in a communicative aspect: a trine perfected just over a day after Sun in Scorpio. The next morning (just over 22 hours later) marked another major aspect: the conjunct meeting of Mercury and retrograde Venus, also in Scorpio. Mercury and Mars, two highly active planets at the moment, seem to be weaving their way in and out of the narrative of our luminaries (Sun and Moon), and the so the tales of the quick thinker and the brave warrior are the ones that parallel our own stories this November.
So, here we stand at the end of October, emboldened by this Mars aspect as well as its recent transit to Sagittarius (Oct. 28th). Consider Mars (to the Greek, Ares) the general of your emotional army; it's the part of you that strikes back when attacked as well as the initiator of plans and actions. This aspect with Uranus, notorious for breaking rules and conventions, encourages us to be just a little bit more daring than usual. Be adventurous, as you are likely to feel more comfortable with experimenting outside of your comfort zones.
For those who've been following since September, think back to the cooling down effect when Jupiter's retrograde transit to Pisces left all three fire signs devoid of major planetary action. Mars in Sagittarius is the first instance of a fire sign transit since early September, and who better than the red planet (fieriest of the fiery, if you will) to let us know that things are heating up again? And Mars is not alone; Mercury follows suit with its transit to Sagittarius on the 8th. These developments urge us to start making some big plans, but also to be realistic about how to implement them.
Also important in this trend are Neptune and major asteroid Chiron, whose direct motion begins (Nov. 7th and 5th, respectively) in intellectual Aquarius. This sign is notorious for its mental steadfastness, and these planets encourage us to formulate one major plan towards which we can commit and focus our intellects.
Think, plan, formulate. When does the action come into play? As Mars and Mercury press further into Sagittarius, we'll feel more and more eager to put our brilliant ideas to good use. The answer is patience. Venus retrograde is the overarching inhibitor here; this goddess of desire puts all her chips on the table with a backwards transit to its home sign of Libra on the 7th. Our internal communications are not at their sharpest while Venus is retrograde, and we may find ourselves not unlike dogs chasing cars, pursuing certain ideals without really knowing why. Learning lessons the hard way can be avoided by being absolutely positive that you want something before acting upon it.
The opportunity for major action begins November 18th, when both Venus and Jupiter end their retrograde cycles. And what better a time? The cloak of Venusian confusion will be lifted, and giant Jupiter (who guards closely our big dreams and plans) will be moving forward for the first time since July. Subsequent to these stations is a Full Moon in Taurus on the 21st, which will help bring our long term plans to fruition and will also reward our patience. Moreover, the Sun will soon enter Sagittarius (22nd) heightening the already exciting energy in this fire sign.
So in summary, the drill for November is: start to formulate your plans, and make them big if you see an opportunity. Anticipate the major developments or realizations of said plans to ideally take place right around the 18th-22nd, and you'll be incredibly fulfilled by your accomplishments. The end of the month (especially the 29th and 30th) will have a denouement feel, so take that time to revel in your successes and enjoy some peace and quiet.
But for now, things are heating up...
Friday, October 1, 2010
October 2010: Sun Sign Horoscopes
Your worries about the bigger picture have stayed themselves for now, but they'll be back in 2011 (soon enough!). In the meantime, your creativity and productivity are on the rise, gaining steam towards the end of the month with your Full Moon on the 22nd and Mars' transit to Sagittarius on the 28th. You're sure to be a powerhouse this month, so make sure you stay busy; your excess energy will get the best of you if you don't put it to good use. Your planet, Mars, is moving through Scorpio, which gives you a focused energy that makes you a force to be reckoned with. Your assertiveness will aid your ambition this month, so don't be afraid to speak your mind. Of course, always be sensitive to the needs of others; not everyone moves at your pace.
Although you'll start the month with an optimistic outlook, you'll start to feel by one week in that you're swimming against the tide. Your planet, Venus, turns retrograde on the 8th, which will make you easily irritable, so make a conscious attempt to be patient with those that try to help you. A concentration of planetary energy opposite your sign will likely cause you to seek comfort in introversion. However, the only way you'll get through this month is by communicating with those you trust, so speak up. Don't be frustrated if you don't get the peace and quiet you usually enjoy; turbulence will be the norm until Venus stations direct in mid-November.
Your planet Mercury has recently entered its echo phase (covering new ground after its retrograde cycle), so start making plans to move forward into some new territory. Mercury ingresses Libra on the 3rd, indicating a perfect launch point for whatever you have planned. Saturn in Libra (conjoining Mercury on the 8th) will keep things in perspective for you, as well as bring out your most practical and responsible side, making this month a great time for growth and advancement in the workplace. Quick-footed Mercury moves freely and unrestricted through your Fifth House this month, encouraging you to be creative. Work hard, stay productive, and enjoy a burst of energy as Mercury conjoins the Sun on the 16th. You will enjoy the fruits of your labor come the Full Moon on the 22nd, just as your planet slips into watery Scorpio. Save the last week of this month for some rest, relaxation, and reflection.
There is a lot of action going on in your Fourth House of home and family. If you're struggling to find peace, stability, or a certain balance with your family members, look to your past for the answers. Your childhood/young adulthood experiences and decisions have taken you to where you are now, so don't neglect them. October kicks off with the Moon (your luminary) in your sign, which marks an ideal time to reflect upon your younger self. What patterns can you recognize? Venus retrograde this month will make you uneasy as your romantic relationships lose steam and seem to be stalling themselves. However, romance is not hopeless, and your confidence will be restored when the Sun ingresses Scorpio on the 23rd. Turn on the charm the last week of this month; others will notice, and likely admire.
This month, with your Sun in the air sign Libra, you should start to feel somewhat more energetic and unfettered, especially as Mercury moves to conjoin the Sun on the 16th. However, Saturn in your Third House of communication suggests that you watch your words and give respect where it is due, especially to your elders and superiors. Neptune retrograde in your Seventh House of partnerships combined with Venus in retrograde will make things especially difficult for you and your romantic partner(s). You seem like somewhat of a loose cannon these days, and therefore appear a risky investment to anyone interested; take extra measures to assure your partner that you are trustworthy. When the Sun transits to Scorpio on the 23rd, you'll be blessed with an introspective capacity to assess exactly how you feel about the important people in your life. Your thoughts may be laden with regrets from the near past, but don't let that stop you from reflecting on your mistakes and learning about your relationships.
Your planet, Mercury, enters Libra on the 3rd. Here it will interact with ever-critical Saturn, reminding you of everything you don't like about yourself. Although you will be at your most self-conscious towards the beginning of the month (especially when Saturn conjoins Mercury on the 8th), you can still make good use of this time by being completely honest with yourself; if there really is something about yourself that bothers you, make a detailed plan of how to make some changes. Now is the time. Be sure not to dwell on your shortcomings, because when Mercury enters Scorpio on the 20th, it's time to move on. From this point on, you'll communicate with a heightened sense of confidence, having learned some important information (earlier this month) about how you interact socially.
The action is heating up in your sign this month, and your classically levelheaded personality may not be able to handle the excitement. Don't worry; sobering Saturn is there to ensure that things don't get out of hand. However, Venus (your ruling planet) retrograde in your Second House of wealth does not bode well for your finances, so be sure to keep track of all major expenditures. October is a time to play it safe with your money, even at the risk of seeming frugal. When the Sun ingresses Scorpio on the 23rd, it will illuminate your planet Venus in retrograde, which is likely to cause a great deal of emotional discomfort, especially for you mid-October birthdays. Don't expect much of a resolution until Venus stations direct mid-November.
The cosmic lovers Mars and Venus meet up and walk through your sign hand-in-hand the first week this month. Just as things are looking up, Venus stations retrograde on the 8th and turns everything around. After this point, people, things, or even thoughts that previously comforted you may make you feel uneasy. If you're not careful, you'll find yourself lost in your past, concerned more with decisions already made than the ones that face you now. The Moon's presence in Scorpio (8th-10th) alongside Venus' retrograde station gives a deeper, more emotional spin to this already over-dramatic encounter. This Venus retrograde may feel downright awkward for you, similar to the sensation of walking around backward. The lesson to be learned is that the direction you're facing is not necessarily the direction in which you're headed. Keep your chin up; your thoughts will clear, and your act will start to come together when the Sun lands in your sign on the 23rd.
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, has been dancing with the planet Uranus (in both direct and retrograde motion) on the cusp of Pisces and Aries, an incredibly powerful yet sensitive spot in our sky. You've likely been having more rapid mood swings than usual, and you've probably been changing your long-term plans on a daily basis. Things should start settling down by about one week into the month. Both Jupiter and Uranus are now retrograde, roughly conjunct in compassionate Pisces. As Jupiter drifts away from slow-moving Uranus, you'll start to realize how important your relationships (friends and family) are to your development as an individual. In the workplace, you're likely to be more of a team player, and you'll realize that things go easier for you when you play by the rules. This month is a great time to reach out to someone you appreciate and do something nice for them.
Pluto direct in the early degrees of your sign, combined with a concentration of energy (including your ruling planet, Saturn) in your Tenth House of career, should give you a clear idea of how to navigate the necessary long-term structures and processes that lead towards success (whatever your definition of the word may be). Your planet Saturn conjoins the New Moon in Libra on the 7th; it's a good idea to start an important project at this point, because your focus and patience will be at an all time high. You'll be a lot more sociable and outgoing than usual this month after Saturn conjoins Mercury on the 8th, and you may even find yourself stretched thin. Mars enters your Twelfth House of secrets on the 28th, marking a perfect time to get in the alone time you've been waiting for.
Your ruling planet, Uranus, is causing you a great deal of stress regarding your finances as it drifts backwards through your Second House of possessions. You've never been much of a materialistic person, and the fact that money is stressing you compounds your frustration. To worsen the situation, retrograde Neptune in your sign will have you feeling like nobody understands your plight. But dig deep, Aquarian; it is not empathy that you seek, nor is it money. You're searching for knowledge, growth, and most importantly, excitement, and there's no better time to satisfy your urges than under the guidance of Mercury, Saturn, and Sun in your Ninth House of new experiences. Take some time to travel to a new place, and your new experiences will give you a new perspective that should quell your restlessness.
The energies of retrograde partners Uranus and Jupiter (a key planet for you) in your sign seem to be unwelcome visitors; they make you uncomfortable, and with good reason. You're never a fan of drama, but it seems to have no problem finding you this month. Thankfully, Saturn is backing you up in your Eighth House of extreme circumstances should things come to a heated point. Assert yourself amongst your peers, but be respectful of their ideas. Your ruling planet, Neptune, is moving retrograde through your Twelfth House of fantasies, strongly tempting you to drift away into daydreams and avoid reality. Those who use drugs and alcohol as an escape are likely to go through their stashes more quickly this month, as the delusions of the surreal make for a liberating escape from the burdens of reality. Pluto in your Tenth House of career reminds you of these realities and warns you of the costs of ignorance. Try to stay sharp this October, for you are at your most vulnerable, at least until the Sun transits to a friendly water sign on the 23rd.
Make sure you also check out the general reading for October.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
October 2010 - Balance
The transition of energies that occurred in September under the self-critical Virgo Sun and fiery Aries Full Moon has caused rapid fluctuations in our confidence levels. For example, you've probably come home one night from work and had a realization that you're very happy; you feel privileged and you love your life. The next morning you wake up, and you don't even want to see yourself in the mirror. You feel lost or confused; your confidence is shattered.
Let's face it, we all struggle to place our self-images in the world around us, and it's never easily done. It often seems like the image doesn't quite fit; it seems somehow different from its context, but impalpably so. Similarly, we often feel like we're making too many compromises with the world around us. Everyone else has their own agenda, and every single thing has its place and purpose. True happiness can only come from discovering and establishing the equilibria between oneself and literally everything else, which brings us to this month's theme: balance.
We've been feeling a bit scattered lately, as the previously concentrated planets have now begun to spread themselves thin across the cosmos. While I'll do my best to summarize the astrological weather of the month, October is going to be quite a mixed bag. Be prepared for several ups and downs.
This October, we find ourselves in a lunar cycle capped on both ends by a Full Moon in Aries; one back on September 23, and coming October 22. These Full Moons are heated with a direct, decisive energy that settles any inner disputes about oneself. However, both these Full Moons oppose the Sun's transit through Libra, which urges us to balance our own happiness by pleasing others as well. October is the month in which you will most easily find a balance between your own needs and the needs of those you care about.
And speaking of those you care about, you'll be scrambling to figure out the ins and outs of your romantic life this month. Although an early-month conjunction of the cosmic lovers Mars and Venus coincides nicely with Mercury's entrance into Libra on the 3rd, Venus retrograde (beginning the 8th, lasting until mid-November) is no time for making progress in your love life. You'll feel as if you're living in the past, as your decisions last month (and maybe beyond) come back to haunt you now. Mercury in Libra does make for a comfortable forum for communication, so be sure to talk things out with your partner and help each other discover the important balance of taking and giving. After all, you will still need them to satisfy your Venus-in-Scorpio desires.
This month will be a good time to develop your social life. You will be at your most charming and outgoing as Mercury swings through Libra to conjoin the Sun on the 16th. Although stern Saturn's slow shuffle through Libra may have you feeling conservative, with "no" being your operative comfort word, try to be at least a little bit adventurous, and you'll be surprised at how well you thrive. Meet some new people, and even consider starting new relationships (platonic or amorous); they have the potential to grow stronger and more serious as the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd.
Don't be discouraged when retrograde Venus puts a damper on your developments this month. Remember that for every two steps you go forward, it's acceptable (and often advisable) that you take one step back. You receive, you give. The operative word is balance.
Breakdown by Sun sign coming soon.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Jungian Synchronicity
Great article from Astrodienst about Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity and how it applies to astrology. Check it out!
Astrodienst - Synchronicity
Astrodienst - Synchronicity
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Coming Down, the World Turned Over
This morning, at 6:30am for us east coasters, the waning Moon moved to conjoin the Sun in the middle of Virgo, beginning a new Lunar cycle on a somewhat awkward footing. Luna received a warm welcome yesterday when it ingressed Virgo; Mercury, ruling planet of Virgo, conjoined the Moon shortly after its entrance, providing it some words of comfort and rationale after a heated stay in Leo. This interaction would normally bode well for this Lunar cycle. However, Mercury is in retrograde: its influence questionable, its motives unclear, its trickery subtle, always managing to subvert the trust constructs we work so hard to establish.
Later this morning, just before noon, Venus entered Scorpio for the first time since November of 2009. Venus' romantic energies are intensified in this mysteriously powerful water sign; you will probably feel an increase in your passion for the subject(s) of your affection, or you may feel a heightened desire for intimacy. Although your romantic and sexual drives are always naturally ebbing and flowing, you are now starting to feel an undeniable presence of libido. These energies will require either a positive outlet (which may include other sensual pleasures besides sex/intimacy) or a great deal of self-control. If you are seeking a new partner, this New Moon is a fine time to start developing new relationships; this astrological context will encourage friendships to blossom into romance by the end of the month. However, don't expect everything to come easily between you and your partner; the magnetically dramatic energies of Scorpio don't always play well with Venus' tranquilly amorous nature.
Only 13 hours after Venus' arrival in Scorpio, Jupiter will slip backwards through the zodiac into watery Pisces. Be prepared to feel more empathetic and less self-centered; you are more likely to feel emotional connections to people or objects you previously considered distant or obsolete. This transit is also another stage of the deconstruction of the cardinal t-square, a formerly powerful cardinal cross which will soon be only a weakening cardinal square between Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. This deconstruction is likely to bring us a winding down feeling from the excitement of the past four months; now is a great opportunity to eliminate distractions, collect yourself, and take a practical, calculated approach to realizing your goals.
Jupiter in Pisces, Venus in Scorpio: both instances of transits to water signs. Furthering this trend will be Mars' entrance into its home sign of Scorpio next Tuesday. After this point, the only major bodies (besides the Moon, which transits every 2-3 days) in air signs will be Neptune retrograde in Aquarius and Saturn in Libra. There are no major planets in any of the three fire signs. This concentration of planets in water and earth signs has a cooling down / coming down effect (think blazing fire to cool water, up in the air to down to earth). Alongside the decay of the cardinal cross, we can consider ourselves in the denouement of a complex and powerful drama with several climaxes (the eclipse cycle of June-July, the perfection of the cardinal cross through July and August, to name a couple). Take some time to stand back and reflect on the major decisions, changes, and opportunities of the past several months and what you've done to get to where you are now. What have you learned?
Mercury's stationing direct this Sunday (in Virgo, an earth sign), combined with Pluto stationing direct (in Capricorn, another earth sign) two days later alongside the aforementioned Mars transit, could not better mark a time for us to settle down. We may be feeling a little woozy or thick-headed right now, but by one week from today, everything will seem much clearer. These next six days are loaded with transitions and reversals, and although it seems chaotic, they are all necessary pieces falling into place in the grand puzzle.
Start your projects now, and let them grow with the New Moon. You will start to see results in a week, and your quick progress and uninhibited focus will surprise you.
For all you fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) signs, you'll start to feel restless soon. Find an outlet for your energy, be it physical or intellectual (or both). Your time to shine is coming, and after the Sun's transit to Libra on the 22nd, you'll feel like your normal self again. For water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) signs, the planets are favoring you this month, and you should feel more calm and generally more confident, especially with Pluto soon direct in Capricorn. Think big, but work small; your attention to detail will be the determinant factor in your level of success.
Note to readers: I've been experimenting the past few months with writing for the Examiner, an online newspaper. This move was part of my goal to relate the seemingly far-fetched concepts of astrology to Joe Skeptical. However, I found myself wasting far too much time worrying about their rules, requirements, and poorly coded publishing tools. The little bit of money I saw was not nearly worth the trouble.
So, here I am, back to good ol' Practical Astrology. But my goal of spreading the good word still stands, so please, follow, subscribe, and tell your friends!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
Mercury in retrograde. If these words mean anything to you, they probably carry connotations of confusion and unstable communications. They may rouse memories of misunderstanding, or of decisions made and later regretted. Integral to the retrograde cycle of Mercury, our great communicator (and nimble trickster), is the notion that our communicative processes are not in sync: not within ourselves, and definitely not with others. Mercury retrograde is a time to double check every agreement you make and scour your agenda for any little details that may surface later as larger issues. The trickster Mercury tends to bury his foolery in the minutia of our day to day lives, and therefore we must be very detail oriented and attentive to our critical tendencies.
You do not have to believe in the existence of a God, a higher organizational force, or a trickster deity to understand the effects of Mercury retrograde. The trickster is within us, the trickery involving no malicious foul play but rather a distortion of perspectives. Such is the astronomical nature of this cycle; Mercury has not actually changed directions, but only appears to move backwards in our sky when the Earth (in its shorter orbital ellipse, being closer to the Sun) passes it.
Although Mercury retrograde happens rather frequently (about every four months), it always seems to take a different approach to putting certain things in perspective. Similarly, its effects on our relationships can vary from cycle to cycle. Just as we use context clues to discern the meaning of a complicated or obscure word, so we must observe the context of this retrograde cycle to decipher its meaning and anticipate its effects. This is not so much predictive astrology as an attempt to tap into the energies of the orbital bodies to help us emerge a benefactor rather than a victim of this predictably cruel astrological weather.
Most prevalent in our sky at the moment Mercury began its retrograde motion two days ago (the 20th) was a conjunction of Mars and Venus in Libra. As these cosmic lovers move at different speeds, their brief meeting (and most ideal situation for connection and compromise in the harmonious Libra scales) is tainted by a lack of trust. Trust, the ability to take your partner's word as fact, is the most fundamental operator in intimate relationships. Without it, there can be no development as individuals or as a team; you are stopped cold at the surface of this other individual. This is not an impass, but rather an obstacle that (should both partners acknowledge its existence) can be worked through with very direct and honest dialogue.
The Sun's transit to Virgo (which is both ruled by Mercury and home to this retrograde cycle) on the 23rd will set the tone for the next few weeks. The theme is details, details, details, and there's no better place to iron out the little wrinkles in the fabric of our socio-romantic lives than in critical Virgo. Now is not a time to make plans or move forward, but rather reflect upon and learn from the ups and downs your relationships have experienced over the past several months. Mercury retrograde in Virgo is an ideal time to assimilate knowledge into practical, useable information that can be utilized for self-improvement.
I consider this Mercury retrograde to be the third (and most powerful) in a series, in that this is the third consecutive retrograde cycle occurring in an Earth sign (last winter in Capricorn, last spring in Taurus, now in Virgo). In each of these cycles, Mercury draws strength from its proximity to the Sun, giving it an added burst of energy that seems to shorten our tempers and limit our patience. However, patience and caution are the only proven counters to the trickster's woes, so don't be fooled into making decisions in an angry or emotional unstable state. The Earth sign context of these happenings gives us a firm grounding, and prevents us from completely losing ourselves in the mayhem; however, Earth signs also have us at our most self-critical, rendering us weak and subject to persuasion, most notably in our professional lives. Especially challenging for our aspirations will be Jupiter's retrograde transit to Pisces on the 9th. Be sure of yourself; you know what your goals are, and don't lose sight of them.
One last caution: Venus' transit to Scorpio on the 7th will likely inspire you to seek new intimate friends or even sexual partners. Remember, new acquaintances are hard to read, especially when our perspectives are distorted by Mercury's slight of hand. It's okay to be adventurous, but beware of any agreements you make or permanent changes you make to any of your relationships; you may realize how deeply you regret your decisions after Mercury stations direct on the 12th. Proceed with caution.
And remember: it's all in the details.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Weekend Forecast
This week has been a bit more dramatic than you had hoped it would be. Moon conjoin Sun in Leo is a very energetic combination; tempers run high, and people feel pressured to assert themselves more than usual. Everyone around you has a need for attention, and they are not doing a very good job of hiding it right now. The constant clamoring for applause and appreciation may have you at the end of your patience. Keep a cool head for a little while longer, and as Uranus departs from Aries late Friday night, you should feel some relief of your increasing aggravation.
The Moon has joined our ever powerful cardinal cross, opposing Jupiter, squaring Pluto, and conjoining Saturn in the earliest degrees of Libra. This has raised our awareness of our connections with those around us as well as our importance in the grander schemes of our society. You are likely to feel more emotional about a certain issue that until now has felt somewhat distant, be it the war, the oil spill, or any other large-scale issue.
Now, the Moon moves through Libra alongside Mars and Venus. As these planets move towards conjunction, we will start to feel a decrease in the pressures of our relationships. An increase in comfort and a decrease in tension will enable us to communicate better with one another, ultimately strengthening our intellectual connections.
A Moon in Scorpio Saturday and Sunday combined with a short list of planetary aspects should make for a rather uncomplicated two days. Take some time to get to know and get closer with one of your friends or acquaintances. Jupiter opposite Saturn will have you feeling stressed overly self-critical next week, but save your worries for then. Right now, enjoy the beautiful weather, and appreciate the simple things in life that we sometimes take for granted, i.e. a trustworthy relationship.
The Moon has joined our ever powerful cardinal cross, opposing Jupiter, squaring Pluto, and conjoining Saturn in the earliest degrees of Libra. This has raised our awareness of our connections with those around us as well as our importance in the grander schemes of our society. You are likely to feel more emotional about a certain issue that until now has felt somewhat distant, be it the war, the oil spill, or any other large-scale issue.
Now, the Moon moves through Libra alongside Mars and Venus. As these planets move towards conjunction, we will start to feel a decrease in the pressures of our relationships. An increase in comfort and a decrease in tension will enable us to communicate better with one another, ultimately strengthening our intellectual connections.
A Moon in Scorpio Saturday and Sunday combined with a short list of planetary aspects should make for a rather uncomplicated two days. Take some time to get to know and get closer with one of your friends or acquaintances. Jupiter opposite Saturn will have you feeling stressed overly self-critical next week, but save your worries for then. Right now, enjoy the beautiful weather, and appreciate the simple things in life that we sometimes take for granted, i.e. a trustworthy relationship.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
August: Sun sign horoscopes
August for the Aries ram should be a month of reaffirmations and reevaluations. Jupiter retrograde in your sign encourages you to check up on your goals, and reminds you that a goal without plans is merely a wish. When Mercury stations retrograde (20th) in Virgo, it's time to inspect the minutia of your life. Be sure to double and triple check any work you do at this point; the planets suggest that you will miss something somewhere.
Venus slips into Libra on the 6th, beginning the bull's August with an air of comfort and stability. However, retrograde Uranus is headed for Pisces, and when it lands there on the 14th, it is sure to cause a disruption. Uranus in your 11th house of friendships suggests imminent upheaval in your social circle. Use Venus' conjunction with Mars on the 20th as an opportunity to take some initiative in forging a new friendship.
Jupiter retrograde in your 11th house of hopes and wishes has you thinking big. However, sobering Saturn (in Libra) opposes Jupiter, informing you of the faults that stand between you and your dreams. Sun in Virgo at the end of the month will help you to fix these faults. You should probably lay low and avoid major commitments when your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde on the 20th. It's stationing direct in early September will be your time to shine; until then, play your cards conservatively.
The New Moon in Leo on the 9th will renew in you a sense of self-worth (a concept you've been questioning recently) and may even inspire you to assume a leadership position amongst your peers. Take on a project that will challenge your intellect and exercise your creative impulses. The Full Moon on the 24th occurs in your 9th house of growth, which indicates that you are likely to learn a lot from any attempts you make to come out of your protective shell this month. Be adventurous.
You always tend to shine amongst your social circle, even if its in your own subtle way. But this lion's Sun is no time to be humble. Upon the New Moon in Leo on the 9th, start working on a project that will show off your strengths and creativity while consuming all the excess energy you seem to be generating. When the Sun transits to Virgo, its time to focus on someone else besides you; you can discover a lot about yourself by listening to others and helping them with their problems.
Venus transits to your 2nd house on the 6th, enabling your occasional propensity for overspending. You will find yourself valuing money and materials more than usual. The Moon in your 4th house from the 17th-19th will hopefully remind you that the most valuable thing you own comes at no cost: your family. You may feel immobilized by everything seeming like it's up in the air right now, but when the Sun transits to your sign on the 23rd, your adaptability and practical nature will kick in, enabling you to problem solve like a pro.
Tempestuous emotions abound under the Leo Sun, amplified for Libra by a concentration of planets in your sign. Unfortunately, your restlessness will continue until Mars and Venus conjoin in Libra on the 20th. The Sun's subsequent transit to Virgo should restore you to your normally balanced self. Retrograde Uranus enters your 6th house of health on the 14th, advising you to take care of yourself. A sudden accident could jeopardize your physical well-being if you're not cautious.
Patience, scorpion. Pluto retrograde in your 3rd house of communications does not bode well for hasty decision making. In fact, it may even pressure you to come to conclusions that you are not ready for. Mercury in retrograde, beginning on the 20th, seems to agree; life is a marathon, not a sprint, so move at your own pace. Don't be pressured into action by your peers. Thoroughly investigate every situation (as you love to do) and avoid at all costs rushing to any judgements.
Your self esteem may be at a low at the beginning of the month as Jupiter (your ruling planet) in your 5th house of self-expression is opposed by critical Saturn. Both planets squaring Pluto along the cardinal cross brings emotional issues quickly to a heated point, so don't get too caught up in your feelings. Things will cool off a bit after Mars conjoins Venus on the 20th, and when the Sun transits to your 10th house of career on the 23rd, it will bring back into focus your aspirations and practical plans for achieving them.
Your practical, responsible, level-headed approach to any situation is at its strongest this month, so have confidence in your endeavors. Your ruling planet, Saturn, has entered your 10th house of careers, cautioning you to avoid any unnecessary risk taking. Opposite Saturn is Jupiter in Aries, which tames your ambitions and reminds you that growth is a process. Hasty attempts at yielding immediate results are predestined to be fruitless. Uranus retrograde in your 3rd house of communications (14th) combined with Mercury in retrograde (20th) are going to wreak havoc on your interpersonal interactions the end of this month; be prepared for tricky social situations, mixed signals, and sudden cancellations.
Although you are a rebel at heart, you tend to go with the flow in the interest of appeasing the masses. However, now is a time to be independent and confident in your solo act. Pluto retrograde in your 12th house of inevitability and entrapment may force certain decisions upon you that you are not ready to make. You will be tempted by Neptune and Uranus in retrograde to escape reality; while you don't have to make all your decisions right now, that does not mean that you can ignore them. The second half of the month will try your patience, and you will feel as if your friends do not understand you. Odds are, at this point in your life, they probably do not.
Jupiter in Aries has your energies at a pinnacle early this month, so take advantage of your extra enthusiasm to do some light traveling or exploring. Retrograde Neptune in your mystical 12th house suggests that you get in touch with your spiritual side. Retrograde Uranus entering your sign on the 14th will bring about some sudden changes, so try to be flexible to avoid disruptive conflict. The Full Moon in your sign on the 24th will have you most compassionate, so reach out a helping hand to a friend in need.
Be sure to check out the August general reading for the major astrological events of the coming month.
August for the Aries ram should be a month of reaffirmations and reevaluations. Jupiter retrograde in your sign encourages you to check up on your goals, and reminds you that a goal without plans is merely a wish. When Mercury stations retrograde (20th) in Virgo, it's time to inspect the minutia of your life. Be sure to double and triple check any work you do at this point; the planets suggest that you will miss something somewhere.
Venus slips into Libra on the 6th, beginning the bull's August with an air of comfort and stability. However, retrograde Uranus is headed for Pisces, and when it lands there on the 14th, it is sure to cause a disruption. Uranus in your 11th house of friendships suggests imminent upheaval in your social circle. Use Venus' conjunction with Mars on the 20th as an opportunity to take some initiative in forging a new friendship.
Jupiter retrograde in your 11th house of hopes and wishes has you thinking big. However, sobering Saturn (in Libra) opposes Jupiter, informing you of the faults that stand between you and your dreams. Sun in Virgo at the end of the month will help you to fix these faults. You should probably lay low and avoid major commitments when your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde on the 20th. It's stationing direct in early September will be your time to shine; until then, play your cards conservatively.
The New Moon in Leo on the 9th will renew in you a sense of self-worth (a concept you've been questioning recently) and may even inspire you to assume a leadership position amongst your peers. Take on a project that will challenge your intellect and exercise your creative impulses. The Full Moon on the 24th occurs in your 9th house of growth, which indicates that you are likely to learn a lot from any attempts you make to come out of your protective shell this month. Be adventurous.
You always tend to shine amongst your social circle, even if its in your own subtle way. But this lion's Sun is no time to be humble. Upon the New Moon in Leo on the 9th, start working on a project that will show off your strengths and creativity while consuming all the excess energy you seem to be generating. When the Sun transits to Virgo, its time to focus on someone else besides you; you can discover a lot about yourself by listening to others and helping them with their problems.
Venus transits to your 2nd house on the 6th, enabling your occasional propensity for overspending. You will find yourself valuing money and materials more than usual. The Moon in your 4th house from the 17th-19th will hopefully remind you that the most valuable thing you own comes at no cost: your family. You may feel immobilized by everything seeming like it's up in the air right now, but when the Sun transits to your sign on the 23rd, your adaptability and practical nature will kick in, enabling you to problem solve like a pro.
Tempestuous emotions abound under the Leo Sun, amplified for Libra by a concentration of planets in your sign. Unfortunately, your restlessness will continue until Mars and Venus conjoin in Libra on the 20th. The Sun's subsequent transit to Virgo should restore you to your normally balanced self. Retrograde Uranus enters your 6th house of health on the 14th, advising you to take care of yourself. A sudden accident could jeopardize your physical well-being if you're not cautious.
Patience, scorpion. Pluto retrograde in your 3rd house of communications does not bode well for hasty decision making. In fact, it may even pressure you to come to conclusions that you are not ready for. Mercury in retrograde, beginning on the 20th, seems to agree; life is a marathon, not a sprint, so move at your own pace. Don't be pressured into action by your peers. Thoroughly investigate every situation (as you love to do) and avoid at all costs rushing to any judgements.
Your self esteem may be at a low at the beginning of the month as Jupiter (your ruling planet) in your 5th house of self-expression is opposed by critical Saturn. Both planets squaring Pluto along the cardinal cross brings emotional issues quickly to a heated point, so don't get too caught up in your feelings. Things will cool off a bit after Mars conjoins Venus on the 20th, and when the Sun transits to your 10th house of career on the 23rd, it will bring back into focus your aspirations and practical plans for achieving them.
Your practical, responsible, level-headed approach to any situation is at its strongest this month, so have confidence in your endeavors. Your ruling planet, Saturn, has entered your 10th house of careers, cautioning you to avoid any unnecessary risk taking. Opposite Saturn is Jupiter in Aries, which tames your ambitions and reminds you that growth is a process. Hasty attempts at yielding immediate results are predestined to be fruitless. Uranus retrograde in your 3rd house of communications (14th) combined with Mercury in retrograde (20th) are going to wreak havoc on your interpersonal interactions the end of this month; be prepared for tricky social situations, mixed signals, and sudden cancellations.
Although you are a rebel at heart, you tend to go with the flow in the interest of appeasing the masses. However, now is a time to be independent and confident in your solo act. Pluto retrograde in your 12th house of inevitability and entrapment may force certain decisions upon you that you are not ready to make. You will be tempted by Neptune and Uranus in retrograde to escape reality; while you don't have to make all your decisions right now, that does not mean that you can ignore them. The second half of the month will try your patience, and you will feel as if your friends do not understand you. Odds are, at this point in your life, they probably do not.
Jupiter in Aries has your energies at a pinnacle early this month, so take advantage of your extra enthusiasm to do some light traveling or exploring. Retrograde Neptune in your mystical 12th house suggests that you get in touch with your spiritual side. Retrograde Uranus entering your sign on the 14th will bring about some sudden changes, so try to be flexible to avoid disruptive conflict. The Full Moon in your sign on the 24th will have you most compassionate, so reach out a helping hand to a friend in need.
Be sure to check out the August general reading for the major astrological events of the coming month.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
August: a general reading
August 2010 is shaping up to be a month of reevaluation, with the retrograde cycles of Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter, and Mercury aligning to remind us that appearances can be deceiving.
Although it may seem to you that your relationships and life's decisions are taking you in the direction you've been planning, it may be merely a product of perspective: an illusion, if you will. Try to step outside yourself and objectively examine why and how you've gotten to where you are, and what steps you need to take to start some momentum towards your eventual destination. Perspective, after all, is what gives humanity its unique dynamicism; when one sees determination, another may see stubbornness. Some see success, and some see greed, which is all the more reason to take with a grain of salt the pressures of the opinionated peanut gallery that commentates your life, i.e. your social critics or workplace superiors.
The month kicks off with an ongoing square between Jupiter and Pluto, which causes us a great deal of stress whenever our financial future or career is concerned. A concentration of planetary energy in Libra will hopefully inspire us to be honest with ourselves; mighty Saturn will help us to identify our inherent faults that spearate us from out ideal roles in society and the workplace. The pressure you're feeling now should be somewhat relieved come the 13th, when Uranus slips backwards through the zodiac into compassionate Pisces. Here it will find an explaination for the somewhat erratic decision making you've recently been making, be it in your love life or regarding your professional ambitions.
Speaking of your love life, you've probably felt a rising uncertainty in your sexual relationships. In a classic role reversal, Venus (the woman) chases Mars (the man) through Libra. Although they are both moving in the same direction, the two bodies move at different speeds, which makes for a less than stable relationship. Here, the duality of the Libra territory will come into play; as the sign of balance, it will instill in us (and our partners) a sense of comfort and harmony that may overshadow the underlying issues that generate our disagreements. However, the Libra scales also help us to make a more objective assessment of our situation; by weighing the options and examining both sides of an arguement, ideally we can make the right decisions that will bring us closer to a balanced state. The two planets conjoin perfectly on the 20th, so it is around this time that you should start to see some progress made in your relationships.
Unfortunately, just as we're starting to feel the love, Mercury begins its retrograde movement on the 20th, a cycle classically associated with confusion and miscommunication. But there is another side to this event; Mercury retrograde can also be a reflective period ideal for rejuvination. When Mercury shifts gears, it is time to assimilate and learn from the knowledge we've gained since the last Mercury retrograde ended in early May. While this time can be quite challenging for all interpersonal communications, it also provides a nice break from the tiny responsibilities associated with companionship that sometimes make our friendships seem to be more trouble than they're worth.
Alas, another opportunity to step outside yourself and take an intellectual approach to assessing the bigger picture; the stars suggest that you take advantage. You will learn a lot about yourself in the next three weeks.
Fortunately, the Sun's transit to Virgo (23rd) affords you an opportunity to act upon your newfound introspective wisdom. A Virgo sun is an ideal time for fixing anything that's broken. Take this time not only to help yourself, but to help others. Your compassion will be strongly supported by a full Moon in Pisces (which shortly thereafter sextiles Pluto, adding an extra emotional element to this lunar cycle) on the 24th. Reaching out to another person can be a great way to intellectually enlighten and emotionally fulfill yourself; however, remember to proceed with caution as Mercury remains in retrograde, playing tricks on us by disrupting communications not only with other people but within our own thought processes. You may quickly find yourself in over your head if you say "yes" one too many times. Do not be upset when your selfless endeavors don't receive the attention and appreciation they deserve.
The month closes out with Venus and Neptune moving towards a trine (not to be perfected until September) that will start to stimulate some inventive ideas. The Moon's transit to Gemini on the 31st will bring out our keenest intellect, making the end of August a perfect time to start a creative project such as making a piece of art or redecorating.
Stay tuned for a breakdown of the August horoscope by Sun sign.
Although it may seem to you that your relationships and life's decisions are taking you in the direction you've been planning, it may be merely a product of perspective: an illusion, if you will. Try to step outside yourself and objectively examine why and how you've gotten to where you are, and what steps you need to take to start some momentum towards your eventual destination. Perspective, after all, is what gives humanity its unique dynamicism; when one sees determination, another may see stubbornness. Some see success, and some see greed, which is all the more reason to take with a grain of salt the pressures of the opinionated peanut gallery that commentates your life, i.e. your social critics or workplace superiors.
The month kicks off with an ongoing square between Jupiter and Pluto, which causes us a great deal of stress whenever our financial future or career is concerned. A concentration of planetary energy in Libra will hopefully inspire us to be honest with ourselves; mighty Saturn will help us to identify our inherent faults that spearate us from out ideal roles in society and the workplace. The pressure you're feeling now should be somewhat relieved come the 13th, when Uranus slips backwards through the zodiac into compassionate Pisces. Here it will find an explaination for the somewhat erratic decision making you've recently been making, be it in your love life or regarding your professional ambitions.
Speaking of your love life, you've probably felt a rising uncertainty in your sexual relationships. In a classic role reversal, Venus (the woman) chases Mars (the man) through Libra. Although they are both moving in the same direction, the two bodies move at different speeds, which makes for a less than stable relationship. Here, the duality of the Libra territory will come into play; as the sign of balance, it will instill in us (and our partners) a sense of comfort and harmony that may overshadow the underlying issues that generate our disagreements. However, the Libra scales also help us to make a more objective assessment of our situation; by weighing the options and examining both sides of an arguement, ideally we can make the right decisions that will bring us closer to a balanced state. The two planets conjoin perfectly on the 20th, so it is around this time that you should start to see some progress made in your relationships.
Unfortunately, just as we're starting to feel the love, Mercury begins its retrograde movement on the 20th, a cycle classically associated with confusion and miscommunication. But there is another side to this event; Mercury retrograde can also be a reflective period ideal for rejuvination. When Mercury shifts gears, it is time to assimilate and learn from the knowledge we've gained since the last Mercury retrograde ended in early May. While this time can be quite challenging for all interpersonal communications, it also provides a nice break from the tiny responsibilities associated with companionship that sometimes make our friendships seem to be more trouble than they're worth.
Alas, another opportunity to step outside yourself and take an intellectual approach to assessing the bigger picture; the stars suggest that you take advantage. You will learn a lot about yourself in the next three weeks.
Fortunately, the Sun's transit to Virgo (23rd) affords you an opportunity to act upon your newfound introspective wisdom. A Virgo sun is an ideal time for fixing anything that's broken. Take this time not only to help yourself, but to help others. Your compassion will be strongly supported by a full Moon in Pisces (which shortly thereafter sextiles Pluto, adding an extra emotional element to this lunar cycle) on the 24th. Reaching out to another person can be a great way to intellectually enlighten and emotionally fulfill yourself; however, remember to proceed with caution as Mercury remains in retrograde, playing tricks on us by disrupting communications not only with other people but within our own thought processes. You may quickly find yourself in over your head if you say "yes" one too many times. Do not be upset when your selfless endeavors don't receive the attention and appreciation they deserve.
The month closes out with Venus and Neptune moving towards a trine (not to be perfected until September) that will start to stimulate some inventive ideas. The Moon's transit to Gemini on the 31st will bring out our keenest intellect, making the end of August a perfect time to start a creative project such as making a piece of art or redecorating.
Stay tuned for a breakdown of the August horoscope by Sun sign.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Enter Sun in Leo
At 6:21 EST Thursday, the Sun will make its annual transit from Cancer to Leo. We've spent the past month in a water sign, which has cooled our summer impulses and perhaps brought a reality check to our lofty goals and fantasies. Like the Cancer crab, you've probably been feeling as if you're moving sideways instead of forwards. That's all about to change, so make sure you're pointed in the right direction come Thursday.
Enter Sun in Leo, a time for celebration, self-indulgence, and letting your ego shine. The astrological weather on and around this transit will help us to discern exactly how to approach this drastic shift of energy.
On Wednesday, Saturn will transit to Libra, the sign in which it started the year 2010. Saturn entered retrograde in January, regressing to Virgo and stationing direct there. Now, Saturn is finally moving on, and it begs the question: why aren't you? Although Saturn is classically known as the rule-maker, and is therefore branded as a combatant against change, it is only through Saturn that we can understand the laws and systems that hold us in balance. Saturn's rule from Libra will be harsh but just; only through understanding its controlling nature can we attempt to make plans and make changes. The fuel behind progress is the breaking of habits, and Saturn finds a perfect context in the harmonious scales of Libra for doing just that.

Thankfully, perfectly staged to break all the rules for us is mighty Uranus, God of gods before Saturn or Jupiter, regressing through the incredibly powerful point of Zero Aries. Its opposition to Saturn is certain to shake things up, and it won't be a gentle shaking, as both of these opposing planets square Pluto, another strong planet that is notorious for bringing about very exciting and intense circumstances. Expect that some peoples' energies and emotions will run far too high over the next two days.
As if called to action by this energetic intensification, Jupter springs into retrograde movement the day after the Sun's transit to move towards an unfriendly square with the increasingly popular Pluto. These planets are about to enter a power struggle of epic proportions, and the anticipation is building. This aspect does not bode well for our finances as individuals or as a nation. Be wary of any business interactions; greed will not be uncommon this week, and if you're not aware of it, you'll quickly become the victim.
Emotion. Excitement. Intense energy. These words are all too common (however inevitably appropriate) in any astrologer's reading when a cardinal t-square of this magnitude is in play: Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries, all planets resting within the earliest degrees of their respective cardinal signs. However, as Saturn is just settling into its new home in Libra, Uranus and Pluto teeter uncomfortably as they prepare to regress into Pisces and Sagittarius, respectively. I've included at the bottom an image of the zodiac upon the Sun's transit; in it you can clearly draw a "T" among these three planets.
For now, all eyes are on Saturn, and as astrologer Len Wallick says of the situation, "it’s comforting to know that the planet of conformity is behaving like we have a future". While Saturn's ingress into Libra is a hopeful endeavor, we must have ourselves oriented properly or we will quickly find ourselves traveling in the wrong direction. Set your sights, figure out where you want to go, get your finances in order, and most important, get ready. July 22nd is go time.

Note: This will likely be my last update at "Practical Astrology" for awhile. I've accepted a position writing for The Examiner, an online newspaper, so I'll be publishing my writings there. Don't worry, nothing's going to change, except that I'll be getting paid!
I'll post up a link to my Examiner page once it's up and running. Thanks to all who have followed Practical Astrology, and please continue to read my work!
Enter Sun in Leo, a time for celebration, self-indulgence, and letting your ego shine. The astrological weather on and around this transit will help us to discern exactly how to approach this drastic shift of energy.
On Wednesday, Saturn will transit to Libra, the sign in which it started the year 2010. Saturn entered retrograde in January, regressing to Virgo and stationing direct there. Now, Saturn is finally moving on, and it begs the question: why aren't you? Although Saturn is classically known as the rule-maker, and is therefore branded as a combatant against change, it is only through Saturn that we can understand the laws and systems that hold us in balance. Saturn's rule from Libra will be harsh but just; only through understanding its controlling nature can we attempt to make plans and make changes. The fuel behind progress is the breaking of habits, and Saturn finds a perfect context in the harmonious scales of Libra for doing just that.
Thankfully, perfectly staged to break all the rules for us is mighty Uranus, God of gods before Saturn or Jupiter, regressing through the incredibly powerful point of Zero Aries. Its opposition to Saturn is certain to shake things up, and it won't be a gentle shaking, as both of these opposing planets square Pluto, another strong planet that is notorious for bringing about very exciting and intense circumstances. Expect that some peoples' energies and emotions will run far too high over the next two days.
As if called to action by this energetic intensification, Jupter springs into retrograde movement the day after the Sun's transit to move towards an unfriendly square with the increasingly popular Pluto. These planets are about to enter a power struggle of epic proportions, and the anticipation is building. This aspect does not bode well for our finances as individuals or as a nation. Be wary of any business interactions; greed will not be uncommon this week, and if you're not aware of it, you'll quickly become the victim.
Emotion. Excitement. Intense energy. These words are all too common (however inevitably appropriate) in any astrologer's reading when a cardinal t-square of this magnitude is in play: Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries, all planets resting within the earliest degrees of their respective cardinal signs. However, as Saturn is just settling into its new home in Libra, Uranus and Pluto teeter uncomfortably as they prepare to regress into Pisces and Sagittarius, respectively. I've included at the bottom an image of the zodiac upon the Sun's transit; in it you can clearly draw a "T" among these three planets.
For now, all eyes are on Saturn, and as astrologer Len Wallick says of the situation, "it’s comforting to know that the planet of conformity is behaving like we have a future". While Saturn's ingress into Libra is a hopeful endeavor, we must have ourselves oriented properly or we will quickly find ourselves traveling in the wrong direction. Set your sights, figure out where you want to go, get your finances in order, and most important, get ready. July 22nd is go time.
Note: This will likely be my last update at "Practical Astrology" for awhile. I've accepted a position writing for The Examiner, an online newspaper, so I'll be publishing my writings there. Don't worry, nothing's going to change, except that I'll be getting paid!
I'll post up a link to my Examiner page once it's up and running. Thanks to all who have followed Practical Astrology, and please continue to read my work!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Things Fall Apart
Through in-depth conversations with correspondents of mine in various locations and social circles, it has been made clear to me that the past week has seen various forms of upheaval: that is, a shift away from a certain habit, constant, or way of life that has become a source of comfort through repetition and duration. In the approach to the Solar Eclipse of Sunday, I listened to and took notes on several tales of firings, theft, bankruptcy, breakups, and even hospitalization. In attempts to piece together this puzzle of poor fortunes, I turned to my trusty ephemeris chart and current astrological map. Surely enough, I found some answers too clear to be considered "coincidence".
It all started last Monday, July 5th, when Uranus entered retrograde. Uranus has always been a planet associated with bringing sudden change, and with its recent transit to Aries, it also inspires within us a sense of self-empowerment that could direct our decision making towards deviance. Moreover, an active sextile between the Sun and Mars (perfected just before the Solar Eclipse) has given us assertive confidence and the ability to initiate decisions we've been sitting on for some time. Meanwhile, Pluto and Uranus are at ends again, now forming a square that lays an emotional foundation for a time of inevitable change, which usually manifests itself as loss, be it of capital, health, a job, or even a loved one. Pluto is also moving towards a square with Jupiter, an aspect that in the past has brought bad tidings for financial matters.
The key operator here? The Solar Eclipse amongst the formation of a cardinal t-square has an incredibly intensifying effect; think of the phrase "playing with fire", except that you've soaked both arms in gasoline beforehand. This heavy-hitting cosmic dance is a perfect example of the dense, powerful, and rare astrology we've seen this year. So what next?

The past week has brought us many changes in our sky, and these past three days have felt more like a month than a weekend for many. I wish I could say that we've emerged unscathed from this turmoil, but that seems not to be the case. Although you may feel a bit downtrodden or even exhausted, go on about your business as you always have. Now is not the time to make any adjustments to your daily routine. Do what makes you feel happy, comfortable, and relaxed; if that's your job, then good for you. But if you're like most people I know, that means feeding a passion that you may have been neglecting as of late, be it arts, sports, cars, tanning... whatever. Do it.
Whether you're feeling down from recent loss or misfortune, or just feeling apathetic, confused, or restless, today's Leo Moon provides a starting point for moving on. However, Venus (having just entered Virgo, shining bright here in the New York sky this past weekend) cautions us that progress can only made through emotional understanding and compassion for your peers. Keep in mind that every person you encounter is just about as dynamic and multi-faceted as you are; they have an array of moods and a selection of personalities of which you likely only see a fraction, so try not to hold them at fault for any confusing signals they send you. They don't always mean exactly what they say, and they rarely can say exactly what they mean. Most of our relationships exist in the context of a complex and dynamic network that poses so many variables that it's hard to clearly identify our roles in the lives of others: or, as they would say on Facebook, "it's complicated".
The political and economic events of late, although concurrent with the small-scale social issues I've been observing, are far too plentiful and complex to start digging into right now. Still, ever present is our struggle with the relationship between self and society. Although the challenges and frustrations that have been plaguing the headlines for over a year now seem distant and somewhat removed from our personal lives, now is a time to figure out just how important these issues really are; pick your battles, and take on a concept that you previously considered too vast for the spectrum of your existence. The strength of the cardinal cross manifests itself here, specifically in the opposition of Aries (self) and Libra (relationships and harmony). Trial, error, and more error inform us that it is ourselves and ourselves alone who prevent us from achieving a happy balance amongst friends and acquaintances, love and kinship.
Use the image below to go outside sometime this week and find Venus in the sky. She will remind you that progress towards balance and happiness is made only through understanding and patience.
It all started last Monday, July 5th, when Uranus entered retrograde. Uranus has always been a planet associated with bringing sudden change, and with its recent transit to Aries, it also inspires within us a sense of self-empowerment that could direct our decision making towards deviance. Moreover, an active sextile between the Sun and Mars (perfected just before the Solar Eclipse) has given us assertive confidence and the ability to initiate decisions we've been sitting on for some time. Meanwhile, Pluto and Uranus are at ends again, now forming a square that lays an emotional foundation for a time of inevitable change, which usually manifests itself as loss, be it of capital, health, a job, or even a loved one. Pluto is also moving towards a square with Jupiter, an aspect that in the past has brought bad tidings for financial matters.
The key operator here? The Solar Eclipse amongst the formation of a cardinal t-square has an incredibly intensifying effect; think of the phrase "playing with fire", except that you've soaked both arms in gasoline beforehand. This heavy-hitting cosmic dance is a perfect example of the dense, powerful, and rare astrology we've seen this year. So what next?
The past week has brought us many changes in our sky, and these past three days have felt more like a month than a weekend for many. I wish I could say that we've emerged unscathed from this turmoil, but that seems not to be the case. Although you may feel a bit downtrodden or even exhausted, go on about your business as you always have. Now is not the time to make any adjustments to your daily routine. Do what makes you feel happy, comfortable, and relaxed; if that's your job, then good for you. But if you're like most people I know, that means feeding a passion that you may have been neglecting as of late, be it arts, sports, cars, tanning... whatever. Do it.
Whether you're feeling down from recent loss or misfortune, or just feeling apathetic, confused, or restless, today's Leo Moon provides a starting point for moving on. However, Venus (having just entered Virgo, shining bright here in the New York sky this past weekend) cautions us that progress can only made through emotional understanding and compassion for your peers. Keep in mind that every person you encounter is just about as dynamic and multi-faceted as you are; they have an array of moods and a selection of personalities of which you likely only see a fraction, so try not to hold them at fault for any confusing signals they send you. They don't always mean exactly what they say, and they rarely can say exactly what they mean. Most of our relationships exist in the context of a complex and dynamic network that poses so many variables that it's hard to clearly identify our roles in the lives of others: or, as they would say on Facebook, "it's complicated".
The political and economic events of late, although concurrent with the small-scale social issues I've been observing, are far too plentiful and complex to start digging into right now. Still, ever present is our struggle with the relationship between self and society. Although the challenges and frustrations that have been plaguing the headlines for over a year now seem distant and somewhat removed from our personal lives, now is a time to figure out just how important these issues really are; pick your battles, and take on a concept that you previously considered too vast for the spectrum of your existence. The strength of the cardinal cross manifests itself here, specifically in the opposition of Aries (self) and Libra (relationships and harmony). Trial, error, and more error inform us that it is ourselves and ourselves alone who prevent us from achieving a happy balance amongst friends and acquaintances, love and kinship.
Use the image below to go outside sometime this week and find Venus in the sky. She will remind you that progress towards balance and happiness is made only through understanding and patience.
cardinal t-square,
solar eclipse,
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monthly Horoscopes: July
As mentioned in a previous update, The Summer Solstice, the Lunar Eclipse, and Beyond, the Sun's transit to Cancer takes us on a journey through the collective subconscious as we attempt to place ourselves in this vast community we call Earth. July is not only a great time for figuring things out emotionally, but for making decisions about your life and beginning the projects necessary to generate progress. While we tend to be a bit introverted under the Cancer Sun, the Leo Sun (beginning at 6:21pm on the 22nd) will provide us the energy and confidence needed to "make moves", so to speak. The effect of your circular energies developing into linear or directional energies is commonly associated with a Sun transit from a feminine to a masculine sign, i.e. Cancer to Leo.
July provides us somewhat of a break in the action-packed astrology that has caused the past two months to fly by us. However, that does not mean that this is not a time for action. On the contrary, the time for development could not be clearer; Uranus' retrograde motion begins on the 5th, ushering in a time of sudden changes in decision making that is likely to jolt us out of any ruts we may be sitting in. The Solar Eclipse (on the 11th) in combination with a Venus transit to Virgo (10th) not only serves as encouragement to move on, but reminds us that we can make no progress if we are not in tune with our emotions. On the 21st, Saturn transits to Libra, the first of three planets (Mars on the 29th, Venus next month) to make this same transit within three weeks of one another; this shift of energy into Libra will hopefully show us the balance we've been trying to achieve throughout June and July.
An undercurrent of tension will develop as the slow-moving planets Jupiter (retrograde in Aries) and Pluto (retrograde in Capricorn) move towards a square, which will be completed the morning of the 25th. Pluto, the planet of inevitable change, will clash with goal-oriented Jupiter in a not-so-comfortable 90 degree dance that will likely have us falling victim to a compulsive "grass-is-greener" syndrome; while July is certainly a time for change, avoid making hasty decisions with the intent of quickly or easily reaping the benefits. This aspect is also commonly associated with beliefs, spirituality, and doubts thereof, and is a good time to remind ourselves of the difference between religion and faith. That same day, the 25th, brings us a Full Moon in Aquarius opposite a Sun in Leo, presenting another instance of collectivism vs. individualism during which we will struggle with our individual roles in the greater schematics of our respective communities. The Moon also forms two friendly trines at this time; one with Mars, the other with Saturn, which will provide stability as well as an air of cheerfulness. Although we may be wrestling with our internal thoughts and debates, our social interactions should be rather amicable.
You will experience some unexpected good fortune towards the beginning of the month. Enjoy it while it lasts, because while Uranus conjunct Jupiter in your sign brings good tidings, their conflicting motion is generating some mixed reviews for the second half of the month. Although you may feel uneasy, take comfort in the Sun entering Leo (a fire sign like yours) on the 22nd; be yourself, and everything will work itself out, just as it always has. Your appetite for new experiences and new travel destinations is as voracious as ever, but don't expect your friends (especially water and earth signs) to be as eager as you are.
Venus void in Leo has you a bit more fired up than usual, and while its transit to Virgo on the 10th will return you to your typically collected demeanor, the tension in a relationship with someone close to you has you feeling unsettled. Expect your interactions with your peers to be more volatile and possibly even melodramatic (a description you tend to avoid) towards the middle of the month as the Moon conjoins Venus in Leo. Despite some minor set backs, your consciousness will be in harmony with your expressive self if you keep in mind that your major plans remain intact, and for that you should be thankful.
You may be feeling a little bit empty or unfulfilled, probably due to your portion of the zodiac remaining basically barren since the Sun left your sign last month. Whether you feel you lack fortune, excitement, or a special someone in your life, remember the "grass-is-greener" syndrome, and count your blessings. You've always made good company for yourself, and the middle of this month might be a good time to get to know yourself a little better. Excitement will come to you leading up to the Full Moon on the 25th; let quick-thinking Mercury in Leo (alongside our Sun) direct you toward active and fulfilling endeavors to expel your excess energy.
Sun conjoin Moon (also known as the New Moon) is always a time for revitalization, as well as a jumping off point for new endeavors. However, this New Moon on the 10th bring an interesting twist: a total Solar Eclipse in your sign. With the asteroid Juno conjunct this special happening, be prepared to experience some fiery emotions and even jealousy from a loved one. You will feel somewhat uncomfortable the week of the 19th with the Moon in a fire sign applying square Venus. The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 25th, combined with Uranus in retrograde, will have you feeling rebellious and confident enough to break out of any situations that may be stifling your expression and/or creativity.
Venus in your sign at the beginning of the month will provide you a well-deserved break and afford you a time to enjoy the company of those you love and appreciate. Your knack for meeting new people may be more than just a social tool, and the relationships you develop this month could become more than just superficial. Be aware of opportunities for a new meaningful relationship, be it centered around work or play. Your energy is at its strongest when the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd; make sure you find something to occupy your time, or your energy will quickly build up and make you quite restless!
Mars in your sign is urging you to do something big; whether its a change in your appearance, your social circle, or your romantic life, now is the time to explore and find some new ground to cover. Venus moves into Virgo on the 10th, chasing Mars through your sign in an applying conjunction that won't be completed until late August when both bodies have left your sign. Unfortunately, July could be a time of complicated romance and unrequited love. Be prepared to accept the fact that not everyone will think as you do, and not every detail can pan out according to your visions.
Your Sun sign is about to become a hot spot of astrological action with imminent transits from Saturn, Mars, Venus, and Mercury. You should feel very excited, and your atypically abundant energy will be aided by Venus in Leo. The New Moon / Solar Eclipse on the 11th will be a good time for you to put your energy to work; start a long-term project that will keep your focus linear and provide direction for your ideas over the next couple of months. You value harmony in your social life, which often translates into attempts to please all; however, Sun in Leo (beginning the 22nd) is a time for you to serve yourself first.
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn will bring you to the realization although you sometimes revel in spontaneity and even rebellion, it is the practical, business-minded side of your personality that most people find attractive. With Mars in Virgo, take the opportunity of the Moon in your sign (18th-20th) to investigate the details of your life that have long remained a mystery. Anything that sparks your curiosity is a lead worth following. Mars quincunx Neptune in the last week of this month will cause a dip in your energy, at which point you should rest, think, and decide on the best way to use the rest of your summer.
Jupiter in Aries plays a large role in your horoscope for July. In pondering questions larger than your immediate surroundings, you may feel inspired to travel in the interest of learning something new. A great time for such a trip will be Mercury trine Jupiter upon the Solar Eclipse (11th), which will initiate a period of growth and learning. The Sun enters Leo while the Moon is in your sign, followed shortly by Jupiter's shift into retrograde; therefore, the end of this month will be a time to think small, as you will be most satisfied by smaller accomplishments and highly unnerved by the larger issues.
Although you are usually very practical and detail-oriented, you are at your most picky this month before the Sun's transit to Leo on the 22nd. Try to avoid acting possessive, be it over money, friends, or territory, or your peers are likely to label you as a control freak. This is a month for change, and you over all other signs are most likely to resist it. Pluto retrograde in your sign reminds you that change is inevitable, and an informative Sun sextile Saturn as the Sun transits to Leo urges you to be patient; although small changes may not have things going your way immediately, Saturn in Libra's scales will balance everything out in the long run.
A hot topic of recent astrological news, Uranus in Aries, has filled you with some brilliant ideas. Write them down! Uranus' transition to retrograde on the 5th will bring sudden changes that are likely to distract you from any plans you've been formulating. Stay focused. July is a great month for you to get some work done, and the fruits of your labor are likely to show after the Full Moon in your sign on the 25th. Saturn opposite Uranus at the end of the month will have you torn between your fickle, rebellious nature and the calm, calculated persona you often assume.
Although the Cancer Sun is a great time for you to develop, July is not a time for you to get much accomplished. Neptune retrograde in Aquarius is likely to catch you nostalgically daydreaming about past events that you tend to over-romanticize in distant hindsight. Snap out of it! There is much to be learned in the present world around you, and if that's not enough for you, Jupiter encourages you to travel and expand your knowledge base. The end of the month will be particularly rewarding for you, as Saturn opposite the Moon in your sign (as it conjoins Uranus) brings high hopes for your tangible goals.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Saturn and Mercury: In Cahoots?
For the entire month of June, we've been feeling the effects of both Mercury and Saturn's extended stays in Earth signs (Mercury in Taurus and Saturn in Virgo) as a result of their retrograde cycles. Taurus, a fixed sign, has a tendency to resist the energies of transiting planets: to stand its ground, so to speak. Mercury seems to have been empowered by its dance with the bull followed by a transit to its home sign of Gemini, where it joined the Sun in its growth toward the solstice. If you've been feeling exceptionally scatterbrained, blame it on Mercury, a planet associated with opposites, inner dualities, and general confusion.
Meanwhile, Saturn's transit through mutable Virgo generated within us an elevated sense of self-hypercriticism. Fortunately, both Saturn and Virgo are known for their ability to analyze details and fix seemingly small problems that may affect us more than we realize. Take the opportunity of Saturn void in Virgo (having no more major aspects before its transit to Libra) to organize your life with lists and schedules; even if you haven't found success in these methods in the past, the planets suggest that you give it another go.
We should have known that Mercury and Saturn were up to something when Mercury began covering new territory (after retracing its steps via retrograde) in the 13th degree of Taurus just as Saturn stationed direct in Virgo. Currently, these two bodies are approaching a conflict-oriented square to be completed at 12:23pm EST tomorrow. While the two planets in any square (a 90 degree angle) tend to aggravate each other, their back and forth antagonism actually stimulates their energies. Saturn, a planet based on structure and rules, is consistent in making us aware of our faults and shortcomings, and will make us deeply regret any inappropriate actions we make. Its battle with Mercury provides us with some hints on where to exercise caution; since Mercury rules our thought, reason, negotiation, and communication, make sure you tread lightly when talking to your peers about anything of importance. Now is not the time to make agreements or definitive statements of any kind. Regardless of whether or not you normally speak with confidence, keep in mind that it's better to second guess yourself than to say something you really don't mean.
This aspect of Saturn and Mercury will cause restlessness, an often inevitable side effect of any square. However, squares can also be an opportunity for growth. Although Mercury square Saturn seems to be an unyielding deadlock, it will help us learn to be more responsible about our decision making processes and social interactions. In addition, Mercury moves on to square Uranus on Friday, which will be a more laid back aspect that will ease our desire to criticize and appreciate the beauty within ourselves. Uranus, the planet of change, recently entered Aries, the sign of self, providing us an opportunity to make the necessary adjustments to keep our lives on track as we enter the second half of the year 2010.
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Summer Solstice, the Lunar Eclipse, and Beyond
As I mentioned yesterday, the astrology of this month, especially concentrated around today, is some of the most powerful, dense, and unique that we've seen in our lifetimes. For those of us in the Nothern Hemisphere, the sun will shine at its brightest, longest, and highest in the sky today. The blazing Sun's finest moment corresponds with its transit to Cancer, ushering in a new sign and a new season here on Earth. The Sun's transit into 0 degrees, 0 minutes Cancer at 7:28am (on the East Coast) today is one of four times the Sun encounters the Aries Point, also known as the cardinal cross, a literal cross shape created by drawing two lines across the zodiac between the four cardinal signs (Aries to Libra, Cancer to Capricorn).
The history, significance, and complexities of the Aries Point are far too vast to indulge in detail at the moment. As mentioned, the cardinal cross has four points, which are the zero degrees (cusps or beginnings) of each cardinal sign. Most crucial and influential is zero Aries, which is where the tropical (seasonal-based) zodiac is precisely aligned with the sidereal (star-based) zodiac upon the Vernal Equinox, which is why it is also known as the Sidereal Vernal Point or SVP. The other three points also correspond with seasonal changes. The axes of the of the cardinal cross are highly sensitive to transits as well as other astronomical events such as eclipses. For some reason, the power of the SVP has been especially noticeable on Earth over the past decade, given that its timing has coincided with such disasters as September 11th and the Asian tsunami: once again, a much more detailed explanation for perhaps another time. Just know that this phenomenon is explained by most astrologers by its a alignment with several distant but powerful forces, including our galactic core in Aries, the Uranian orbital body Kronos (associated with power and superiority) in Cancer, M87 (a massive galaxy and black hole) in Libra, and the Road to Xibalba in Capricorn (a band running through the center of the galaxy that corresponds to the Mayan creation myth and the reason humanity is supposed to make its exit on the cardinal cross, 21 December 2012).
The Sun's transit into a cardinal sign (Cancer, in this instance) is when our personal lives intersect with larger groups, concepts, and events. The Summer Solstice is a time for us to feel illuminated not just as individuals, but as humankind. The cardinal cross reminds us that the personal is political, and vice versa. For example, we've been lamenting the disastrous BP oil spill for two months now, and although we sympathize for the devastation it has caused the economy, population, and ecosystem of the Gulf Coast, we've seen very little of its effects in our personal lives (unless we happen to live in the area). The power of the Aries Point provides us a perfect opportunity to remember that in our search to point blame at anyone for this catastrophe (government regulators, BP, Deepwater Horizon, etc.), the ultimate responsibility rests with those who provide these corporations the demand that drives their business models. That is not to say that you or I personally are to blame for the oil spill; if I decided to stop buying oil a year ago, that rig would still have been in operation, and the blowout preventer still would have failed. However, the beauty of astrology is that it is not bound by the factual limitations of time and space. It allows us to step back from our lives and think, "What if there really is something else going on here?", or, "What if the way I live my life has more impact on the world around me than I actually believe?"
Thus is the nature of the cardinal cross as well as the study of astrology itself: placing ourselves within a world that is more spatially and conceptually vast than we could possibly visualize or conceive.
As mentioned beforehand, the points of the cardinal cross are highly sensitive to astrological/astronomical happenings, and they provide an accelerated energy that brings us a certain sense of awareness of ourselves and those around us. The Lunar Eclipse this coming Saturday concerns me; although I won't be so bold as to predict a massive catastrophe or world changing event, I do hope that when the Earth prevents the Sun's illumination of the Moon, we do not lose our empathy to the human condition. Bear in mind that although you may feel that things are not coming easily to you, or that you are swimming against the tides, you are not alone. Millions of other people are on your level fighting the same fight, and millions are much less fortunate than you are. After you all, you are on an internet accessible computer, a luxury reserved for only 21% of the world's population.
My fear is that the people of Earth are on disaster overload; that is, so many things seem to be going wrong in the world around us that we don't know where to start when it comes to making repairs on a personal, communal, and global level. We become numb to even the greatest of catastrophes when we don't know how to cope with them, and we remain apathetic if the issue has little effect on our personal lives. The American population (and therefore, the media, and therefore, the government... yes, in that order) has such a short attention span that we acknowledge the results of disasters, but before we can breach the surface of the situation to assess its causes, we move on to another issue. Our dependence on oil, although acknowledged by the past eight presidents as one of America's greatest weaknesses, has been put off for almost half a century now. The issue has persisted, and exactly one month after the SVP in Aries, the political became personal for millions of workers and residents along the bayou.
I feel that we are at a point where our ignorance may start to catch up to us. Like the poor people and animals of the Gulf Coast, the time for larger, seemingly distant issues to permeate our daily personal lives will eventually come to us. With disasters in the gulf, the job market, the Eurpoean economy, the American economy, climate change, and the list goes on, all we need is a Lunar Eclipse after a cardinal transit to manifest these broad issues as specific problems affecting our lifestyles. I hope that this does not mean another disaster, but rather a gradual rise in humankind's collective consciousness about the ills that plague the world around us. Remember, it starts on a personal level, which is connected as a part to a whole by the Aries Point, or as the great boy band 2gether so eloquently put it, you + me = us.
There is a lot more going on in our sky besides the Solstice and the Eclipse, and I will discuss some of the other aspects and transits in an update later this week. For now, just remember; the political is personal, and there is no I in team (although there is a me). Enjoy the sunshine, and the emotional tidings provided by our Sun in Cancer.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day Quickie
Today should be a nice, relaxing Sunday not only for fathers, but for anyone who has felt the pressure of the dense astro-weather we've experienced over the past month. Father's Day presents us but one aspect in our sky: an understanding trine between the Moon and Neptune, making today more about thoughts and dreams than action. Under the comfortable Libra Moon, don't be afraid to speak your mind and bounce your ideas off people with whom you don't usually engage in deep conversation. Your interpersonal encounters will seem to have a firm and amicable foundation, and your discourse might help you to learn something about yourself. Most importantly, get to bed early! Tomorrow is a big day in the sky and on Earth.
More to come later about tomorrow's Solstice.
More to come later about tomorrow's Solstice.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Monthly Horoscopes: June
Enter Sun in Gemini; our lives seems to have been elevated to a new level, as if we were once anchored to a point on the Earth and suddenly released. Gemini, as an air sign, is known for its association with the more intellectual side of our consciousness, and its mutable quality subjects our minds to an open-ended take on any information that is presented us. That is, Gemini is a time to change your mind. This advancement of your mental self will be aided by the great ringed Saturn, who for the past four months has confused us with a transit to Libra followed by a retrograde cycle, taking it backwards through our sky into Virgo. Now, Saturn, the ruler of the rules and boundaries that guide our lifestyles, has stationed direct (ended its retrograde cycle) in Virgo, and will inform us through this meticulous Earth sign of the unexpected minutia that bury themselves in our day to day lives but eventually surface to immobilize our larger, long-term endeavors. Use this knowledge to move forward with bold but informed decisions, and you may find yourself in a much better place mentally, physically, and possibly even financially.
Jupier, the planet of growth, moves into your Sun sign on the 6th. Although you are generally a bold, confident person, you will feel exceptionally empowered by this transit, which only happens about every 12 years. You will not only notice an increasing sense of opportunities for advancement; you will also have a notion that luck is on your side. It is, so take advantage of any opportunity that arises. However, at this very time, the Moon enters your sign, making you feel energetic and even feisty. Try to tame your impulsiveness in the interests of avoiding arguments; after all, conflict will only make you feel more stressed than you already are.
Your ruling planet, Venus, transits to Leo on the 14th. This will be a good month to build or expand your social life. You've always been a rather reliable person, and your close friends appreciate it; however, June will be a time for you to be more communicative, expressive, and just plain loud, especially between the 14th and the 21st. Also, take an opportunity to evaluate your inner dualities regarding social and environmental issues. What do you really believe, and what can you do to change what you don't like about the world around you?
June will be a great time for you to start projects, as long as you maintain a tangible goal to keep in your sights. Your ability to communicate intelligently with your peers may surprise them, as it contradicts your typically simplistic demeanor. In other words, don't be afraid to open your mouth, and even reach out to new acquaintances. However, be wary of those who ask anything of you; your overtly compassionate nature has the word "sucker" stamped on your forehead, and this world is full of people who are eager to take advantage of you.
The first half of the month has Venus in your sign, and you should take this period to revel in the sensation of things coming more easily to you than they usually do. When both Moon and Venus leave your sign on the 14th, ride the waves of the New Moon; as you begin to see the silver crescent in the sky, consider starting a project you've been putting off for awhile. Your focus and determination will reward you, and although you're not one to toot your own horn, you just might impress yourself. Let this satisfaction effect an air of optimism within your consciousness, and before you know it, your birthday will arrive, rendering you spirited and ready to take on another year of life.
You'll wrestle with your ego for the first part of this month; although you revel and shine in the Sun's illumination as we approach the summer solstice, your peers might not see the same light, and may simply find you obnoxiously smug. Although your pride is a large factor in your personality, take some time to relax and be humble. June will be a month for you to entertain your close friends, and serve as a humble host for those who have endured your fiery personality and fierce ambition for the past few years. Take Venus' transit to your sign on the 14th as an opportunity to put your financial affairs in order.
You should feel rather energetic this month, and it's not just the increase in temperature and the imminence of summer. Upon Mars' transit to your sign on the 7th, your consciousness will receive somewhat of a kick-start. These elevated energies are not limited to cerebral musings; get out a pencil, write down your ideas, and use Mars' bold energy and your organizational sensibilities to do something productive and fulfilling. Your work doesn't have to be all that life changing or revolutionary; you will feel accomplished just by utilizing your abundant energy to achieve a tangible result. Although your accomplishments may seem small, they will not likely go unnoticed; meanwhile, the satisfaction of success will make a nice boost for your ego.
Your planet, Venus, moves into Leo on the 14th, which will open up your normally even-keeled demeanor to some more excitement in your life. Take a short vacation, meet some new people, and be open to the possibility for a new person to enter your intimate circle of friends. The Moon transits to your sign on the 17th, just after achieving its second quarter, followed by a Moon sextile Venus that will bring your life back into its familiar balance. Use this landing point to tie up any loose ends, which will most likely be found in your romantic life. Take the end of the month to plan the rest of your summer vacation.
Your investigative impulses have loaded you with more information about your peers than you would ever consider sharing. Your caution and reticence are appreciated; however, when Mars transits on the 7th, your insight into the wellness of others is intensified by troubleshooting Virgo. When Mercury joins the Sun in its own sign (Gemini), on the 10th, take this opportunity to open your mouth and make some suggestions, and you just might find that your usually close-minded friends will heed your words and appreciate your consideration. Upon the summer solstice, the Moon enters your sign, and shortly thereafter sextiles Mars, your planet; this will be a time of heightened emotions and excitement, so make sure you stay busy, and stay focused! Hard work will help to expel your excess energy, and the Full Moon at the end of the month will be a great time to wrap up anything you've been working on.
This entire month will be an ideal time for self advancement. If there is anything that dissatisfies you about your world, including schedules, relationships, or even your job, now is the time to make changes or improvements. Your bow is strung, your arrows ready to fire, and your target may be closer to you than you perceive. You always see the bigger picture, and if you find yourself often missing out on the smaller picture (i.e. the details that can advance you towards your seemingly distant goals), the first half of June is a great time to compensate. When your ruling planet, Jupiter, enters Aries in conjunction with the Moon on the 6th, it's time to make bold (but not brash) decisions about your day to day life. Start your work now, and by Jupiter's trine with Venus on the 15th, you will start to see encouraging results. Not only will your lifestyle changes make you happier, but they will also attract the attention of your peers as the Moon transits your sign the 23rd through the 25th.
Your ruling planet, Saturn, rests comfortably in the 27-28th degree of Virgo for the entire month. This period of time will not be particularly productive, but rather a time for introspective consideration. As Saturn moves forward in our sky (after having stationed direct the end of last month), examine how your personality has manifested your ideals into reality, find your faults, and figure out where your life could use a firmer foundation: some maintenance, if you will. Organize your finances, and create a long term savings plan; you have a period of hard work ahead of you, and it won't necessarily result in great profit. Try to be diplomatic and avoid stubbornness in your interactions with your coworkers. A lunar eclipse in your sign might have you feeling lost at the end of the month; turn to your family for the love, support, and direction that your peers might fail to provide.
The New Moon squares your ruling planet, Uranus, on the 12th, creating a window of opportunity for your fast-moving thought process to cultivate your opinions and ideals into tangible accomplishments. You've always been a rebel, but with Uranus having recently transited to Aries, you'll be feeling bolder and more energized, empowered by a sense of vigor for your previously dormant ideas. Take advantage of this time period, because Uranus' opposition to the second quarter Moon on the 19th will a bring a world of distractions that could set the tone for an unproductive summer if you don't remained focused and diligent. After growing full, the Moon transits to your sign on the 28th while creating a sextile with your Uranus, which will shift your mentality towards invention and creativity.
Some new developments will throw you a curveball between the 3rd and the 5th (when the Moon is in your sign). Your best bet is to follow your intuition and simply go with the flow. Your planet, Neptune, has joined neighboring Pluto in retrograde. The movements of these outer planets seems to affect you especially since you don't necessarily have to see things to feel them. As if to complicate matters, Chiron, which entered Pisces last month and will remain there until November, begins its retrograde cycle on the fourth. For the first half of the month, pay attention to your dreams; they may be the key to assessing your deepest wounds (or faults) and figuring out how to heal them. Jupiter in Aries will help ease your generally restless nature and help you focus on specific parts of your life that need support to improve your well being. Be prepared to return to your romantic idealism when Mercury trines Neptune on the 24th. If it's a warm, clear night on the 30th, take a walk, look at the Moon, appreciate your fortunes, and start to think about how you can use your summer to advance yourself while engaging your social circle.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Uranus Enters Aries
The Uranus transit to Aries is pretty big time. After a 7 year stint in Pisces, Uranus moves to Aries (the first sign of the zodiac), restarting it's cycle around the sun. This happens about every 83 years. Uranus is a planet notorious for bringing out the unexpected in any situation; it revels in suddenness and delights in last-minute plan changes, complete reversals, and shock effects. As a result, it's also good for jolting us out of any circumstances that may have us feeling stagnant, or even trapped. In this transit, Uranus' energies will likely become empowered, driven to action (sometimes as far as a complete ignorance of obstacles or consequences) by the Aries ram, which is considered the symbol of self. The intensity of impetuous Aries, a masculine cardinal fire sign (pretty much the boldest of the bold), combined with the uncertainties of Uranus make for a very exciting time.
Uranus last transited into Aries on March 31, 1927; one week later, the Bell Telephone Company transmitted its first television image from New York to DC. I'm expecting some major technological advances over the next few years, as Uranus tends to carry with it some serious genius potential. However, these advances will carry consequences, which is where Aries will come into play; as we boldly ram our way into worlds of new technologies, we'll likely (in true Aries spirit) overlook the potential externalities of our developments. Will these new technologies destroy our labor markets? Will they widen the gap between the rich and the poor? Will they even further destroy our Mother Earth than we already have?
Archie Dunlop, a professional astrologer, has his own concerns:
"My most disturbing suggestion about Uranus moving into Aries relates to cell phones. The planet Uranus is about technology, and is also about radiation - after all, in symbolic terms Uranus has a link with uranium. The sign Aries, in traditional astrology, relates to the head. Under these circumstances, Uranus' stay in Aries could see the first hard evidence that use of cell phones can lead to brain tumours.
Interestingly, a WHO study has just been released, looking at the correlation between cell phone use and cancer. The results have been labelled 'inconclusive', and that's probably not surprising. Cancers can take decades to develop, yet use of cell phones only really took off in the late 1990s. Still, the study did suggest that very heavy use of cell phones could increase the chances of getting certain types of brain tumour.
The WHO study has received a lot of press coverage, and it came out as Uranus was moving through the last degree of Pisces, in preparation for its switch into Aries. Few people seem worried by its findings. However in a couple of years time, when Uranus is firmly in Aries, another study could come out, that's a complete bombshell.
In the mean time, play it safe. Your cell phone is a useful device, that can save your life in an emergency. However until Uranus leaves Aries, in 2019, you shouldn't make assumptions about its safety."
Friday, May 7, 2010
Pseudo-Black Thursday
Around 2:30pm yesterday, May 6, 2010, Wall Street experienced a scare reminiscent of the stock market crash of 2008. Amidst a day of downwardly sliding stocks, the Dow suddenly plummeted an alarming 998 points in under half an hour. Our ongoing fears that the debt crises (one of which is coming to heated point in Greece, but we'll talk about that later) in Europe would spill over into American investments had been realized. Or had they?
Certain sources have received information that a trading glitch may have triggered the initial decline (marked by a 40% plunge in Procter & Gamble, a commodities mega-corporation considered one of the most solid investments on Wall Street) which sent stockholders into a selling frenzy, abandoning their more volatile assets for safer holdings such as mutual funds.

This activity is a textbook play for Mercury's retrograde cycle; throwing a wrench into the machine that is the American economy matches the classic M.O. of our favorite trickster, Hermes. Amongst three quarters of encouraging economic growth comes a mini-crisis that almost sparks a nationwide panic founded upon a simple miscommunication or computing error.
Keep in mind that electronic forms of communication are highly subject to the woes of Mercury's anti-communicative influence. Just because your messages are contained within your trusty computer-box does not make them invulnerable; in fact, electronic messages often work on a delay, and are much less reliable than face to face communication. Expect Mercury to take every advantage it can in disrupting these forms of communication.
Meanwhile, Greek's economy spirals as it bears the burden of a debt crisis combined with a regional economic downturn. The European Union as well as the IMF have proposed "bailout" measures for the country, but are debating it amongst their respective governing bodies. The people of Greece can only pray that the Moon's travel through Pisces will leave an air of compassion and sensitivity for the less fortunate, inspiring the EU or IMF to come to their aid.
These issues plaguing the Earth's globalized political economy draw strength from an opposition in our sky; Jupiter, ruler of the Gods and symbol of power and growth, opposes Saturn, which represents conventions and boundaries. When power (assuming it intends to grow, as capitalist economies do) clashes with systems and structure, some degree of crisis is inevitable. Political divisions become most apparent, the economy's cash flow diminishes, and a confidence in the system is lost. However, oppositions are not necessarily deconstructive; these two planets may likely come to an understanding to yield change. Therefore, this will be a time for crucial decisive action by Greek leaders. But enough about them... how does it affect us?
As the value of the euro declines against the dollar, America seems to be riding the waves of Jupiter through our Moon, which are both currently moving through Pisces. Jupiter, a ruling planet of the Pisces sign, can foster the rapid growth of the economy as well as bring out a large economy's excessive wastefulness, often manifested as an increasing division between the rich and the poor. As our country still boasts a 9.9% unemployment rate (which beats the hell out of Greece's 20%), hopefully the Moon's transit through Pisces will inspire in us a sympathy for the human condition, and an awareness of the economic and social oppression that many people refer to as "misfortune". Poverty and unemployment are not necessarily synonymous with misfortune, but rather the byproduct of a wasteful economic structure. As Greece's economy flounders and forces economic reform, perhaps we best heed their example and evaluate our own situation to ensure that the same "misfortunes" do not befall us. Pluto (which ironically also tends to incite power struggles) currently rests in Capricorn, telling us to accept the changes, losses, and economic woes, let go of them, and to start planning responsibly for the future.
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