It all started last Monday, July 5th, when Uranus entered retrograde. Uranus has always been a planet associated with bringing sudden change, and with its recent transit to Aries, it also inspires within us a sense of self-empowerment that could direct our decision making towards deviance. Moreover, an active sextile between the Sun and Mars (perfected just before the Solar Eclipse) has given us assertive confidence and the ability to initiate decisions we've been sitting on for some time. Meanwhile, Pluto and Uranus are at ends again, now forming a square that lays an emotional foundation for a time of inevitable change, which usually manifests itself as loss, be it of capital, health, a job, or even a loved one. Pluto is also moving towards a square with Jupiter, an aspect that in the past has brought bad tidings for financial matters.
The key operator here? The Solar Eclipse amongst the formation of a cardinal t-square has an incredibly intensifying effect; think of the phrase "playing with fire", except that you've soaked both arms in gasoline beforehand. This heavy-hitting cosmic dance is a perfect example of the dense, powerful, and rare astrology we've seen this year. So what next?
The past week has brought us many changes in our sky, and these past three days have felt more like a month than a weekend for many. I wish I could say that we've emerged unscathed from this turmoil, but that seems not to be the case. Although you may feel a bit downtrodden or even exhausted, go on about your business as you always have. Now is not the time to make any adjustments to your daily routine. Do what makes you feel happy, comfortable, and relaxed; if that's your job, then good for you. But if you're like most people I know, that means feeding a passion that you may have been neglecting as of late, be it arts, sports, cars, tanning... whatever. Do it.
Whether you're feeling down from recent loss or misfortune, or just feeling apathetic, confused, or restless, today's Leo Moon provides a starting point for moving on. However, Venus (having just entered Virgo, shining bright here in the New York sky this past weekend) cautions us that progress can only made through emotional understanding and compassion for your peers. Keep in mind that every person you encounter is just about as dynamic and multi-faceted as you are; they have an array of moods and a selection of personalities of which you likely only see a fraction, so try not to hold them at fault for any confusing signals they send you. They don't always mean exactly what they say, and they rarely can say exactly what they mean. Most of our relationships exist in the context of a complex and dynamic network that poses so many variables that it's hard to clearly identify our roles in the lives of others: or, as they would say on Facebook, "it's complicated".
The political and economic events of late, although concurrent with the small-scale social issues I've been observing, are far too plentiful and complex to start digging into right now. Still, ever present is our struggle with the relationship between self and society. Although the challenges and frustrations that have been plaguing the headlines for over a year now seem distant and somewhat removed from our personal lives, now is a time to figure out just how important these issues really are; pick your battles, and take on a concept that you previously considered too vast for the spectrum of your existence. The strength of the cardinal cross manifests itself here, specifically in the opposition of Aries (self) and Libra (relationships and harmony). Trial, error, and more error inform us that it is ourselves and ourselves alone who prevent us from achieving a happy balance amongst friends and acquaintances, love and kinship.
Use the image below to go outside sometime this week and find Venus in the sky. She will remind you that progress towards balance and happiness is made only through understanding and patience.
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