In order to piece together the astrological happenings of upcoming November, we must first look back upon the events of this past week to provide a little background.
On Saturday, the 23rd, our brilliant autumn Sun left the scales of air sign Libra for the water sign Scorpio. This transit corresponded with Mars (in Scorpio) and Uranus in a communicative aspect: a trine perfected just over a day after Sun in Scorpio. The next morning (just over 22 hours later) marked another major aspect: the conjunct meeting of Mercury and retrograde Venus, also in Scorpio. Mercury and Mars, two highly active planets at the moment, seem to be weaving their way in and out of the narrative of our luminaries (Sun and Moon), and the so the tales of the quick thinker and the brave warrior are the ones that parallel our own stories this November.
So, here we stand at the end of October, emboldened by this Mars aspect as well as its recent transit to Sagittarius (Oct. 28th). Consider Mars (to the Greek, Ares) the general of your emotional army; it's the part of you that strikes back when attacked as well as the initiator of plans and actions. This aspect with Uranus, notorious for breaking rules and conventions, encourages us to be just a little bit more daring than usual. Be adventurous, as you are likely to feel more comfortable with experimenting outside of your comfort zones.
For those who've been following since September, think back to the cooling down effect when Jupiter's retrograde transit to Pisces left all three fire signs devoid of major planetary action. Mars in Sagittarius is the first instance of a fire sign transit since early September, and who better than the red planet (fieriest of the fiery, if you will) to let us know that things are heating up again? And Mars is not alone; Mercury follows suit with its transit to Sagittarius on the 8th. These developments urge us to start making some big plans, but also to be realistic about how to implement them.
Also important in this trend are Neptune and major asteroid Chiron, whose direct motion begins (Nov. 7th and 5th, respectively) in intellectual Aquarius. This sign is notorious for its mental steadfastness, and these planets encourage us to formulate one major plan towards which we can commit and focus our intellects.
Think, plan, formulate. When does the action come into play? As Mars and Mercury press further into Sagittarius, we'll feel more and more eager to put our brilliant ideas to good use. The answer is patience. Venus retrograde is the overarching inhibitor here; this goddess of desire puts all her chips on the table with a backwards transit to its home sign of Libra on the 7th. Our internal communications are not at their sharpest while Venus is retrograde, and we may find ourselves not unlike dogs chasing cars, pursuing certain ideals without really knowing why. Learning lessons the hard way can be avoided by being absolutely positive that you want something before acting upon it.
The opportunity for major action begins November 18th, when both Venus and Jupiter end their retrograde cycles. And what better a time? The cloak of Venusian confusion will be lifted, and giant Jupiter (who guards closely our big dreams and plans) will be moving forward for the first time since July. Subsequent to these stations is a Full Moon in Taurus on the 21st, which will help bring our long term plans to fruition and will also reward our patience. Moreover, the Sun will soon enter Sagittarius (22nd) heightening the already exciting energy in this fire sign.
So in summary, the drill for November is: start to formulate your plans, and make them big if you see an opportunity. Anticipate the major developments or realizations of said plans to ideally take place right around the 18th-22nd, and you'll be incredibly fulfilled by your accomplishments. The end of the month (especially the 29th and 30th) will have a denouement feel, so take that time to revel in your successes and enjoy some peace and quiet.
But for now, things are heating up...
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