Enter Sun in Gemini; our lives seems to have been elevated to a new level, as if we were once anchored to a point on the Earth and suddenly released. Gemini, as an air sign, is known for its association with the more intellectual side of our consciousness, and its mutable quality subjects our minds to an open-ended take on any information that is presented us. That is, Gemini is a time to change your mind. This advancement of your mental self will be aided by the great ringed Saturn, who for the past four months has confused us with a transit to Libra followed by a retrograde cycle, taking it backwards through our sky into Virgo. Now, Saturn, the ruler of the rules and boundaries that guide our lifestyles, has stationed direct (ended its retrograde cycle) in Virgo, and will inform us through this meticulous Earth sign of the unexpected minutia that bury themselves in our day to day lives but eventually surface to immobilize our larger, long-term endeavors. Use this knowledge to move forward with bold but informed decisions, and you may find yourself in a much better place mentally, physically, and possibly even financially.
Jupier, the planet of growth, moves into your Sun sign on the 6th. Although you are generally a bold, confident person, you will feel exceptionally empowered by this transit, which only happens about every 12 years. You will not only notice an increasing sense of opportunities for advancement; you will also have a notion that luck is on your side. It is, so take advantage of any opportunity that arises. However, at this very time, the Moon enters your sign, making you feel energetic and even feisty. Try to tame your impulsiveness in the interests of avoiding arguments; after all, conflict will only make you feel more stressed than you already are.
Your ruling planet, Venus, transits to Leo on the 14th. This will be a good month to build or expand your social life. You've always been a rather reliable person, and your close friends appreciate it; however, June will be a time for you to be more communicative, expressive, and just plain loud, especially between the 14th and the 21st. Also, take an opportunity to evaluate your inner dualities regarding social and environmental issues. What do you really believe, and what can you do to change what you don't like about the world around you?
June will be a great time for you to start projects, as long as you maintain a tangible goal to keep in your sights. Your ability to communicate intelligently with your peers may surprise them, as it contradicts your typically simplistic demeanor. In other words, don't be afraid to open your mouth, and even reach out to new acquaintances. However, be wary of those who ask anything of you; your overtly compassionate nature has the word "sucker" stamped on your forehead, and this world is full of people who are eager to take advantage of you.
The first half of the month has Venus in your sign, and you should take this period to revel in the sensation of things coming more easily to you than they usually do. When both Moon and Venus leave your sign on the 14th, ride the waves of the New Moon; as you begin to see the silver crescent in the sky, consider starting a project you've been putting off for awhile. Your focus and determination will reward you, and although you're not one to toot your own horn, you just might impress yourself. Let this satisfaction effect an air of optimism within your consciousness, and before you know it, your birthday will arrive, rendering you spirited and ready to take on another year of life.
You'll wrestle with your ego for the first part of this month; although you revel and shine in the Sun's illumination as we approach the summer solstice, your peers might not see the same light, and may simply find you obnoxiously smug. Although your pride is a large factor in your personality, take some time to relax and be humble. June will be a month for you to entertain your close friends, and serve as a humble host for those who have endured your fiery personality and fierce ambition for the past few years. Take Venus' transit to your sign on the 14th as an opportunity to put your financial affairs in order.
You should feel rather energetic this month, and it's not just the increase in temperature and the imminence of summer. Upon Mars' transit to your sign on the 7th, your consciousness will receive somewhat of a kick-start. These elevated energies are not limited to cerebral musings; get out a pencil, write down your ideas, and use Mars' bold energy and your organizational sensibilities to do something productive and fulfilling. Your work doesn't have to be all that life changing or revolutionary; you will feel accomplished just by utilizing your abundant energy to achieve a tangible result. Although your accomplishments may seem small, they will not likely go unnoticed; meanwhile, the satisfaction of success will make a nice boost for your ego.
Your planet, Venus, moves into Leo on the 14th, which will open up your normally even-keeled demeanor to some more excitement in your life. Take a short vacation, meet some new people, and be open to the possibility for a new person to enter your intimate circle of friends. The Moon transits to your sign on the 17th, just after achieving its second quarter, followed by a Moon sextile Venus that will bring your life back into its familiar balance. Use this landing point to tie up any loose ends, which will most likely be found in your romantic life. Take the end of the month to plan the rest of your summer vacation.
Your investigative impulses have loaded you with more information about your peers than you would ever consider sharing. Your caution and reticence are appreciated; however, when Mars transits on the 7th, your insight into the wellness of others is intensified by troubleshooting Virgo. When Mercury joins the Sun in its own sign (Gemini), on the 10th, take this opportunity to open your mouth and make some suggestions, and you just might find that your usually close-minded friends will heed your words and appreciate your consideration. Upon the summer solstice, the Moon enters your sign, and shortly thereafter sextiles Mars, your planet; this will be a time of heightened emotions and excitement, so make sure you stay busy, and stay focused! Hard work will help to expel your excess energy, and the Full Moon at the end of the month will be a great time to wrap up anything you've been working on.
This entire month will be an ideal time for self advancement. If there is anything that dissatisfies you about your world, including schedules, relationships, or even your job, now is the time to make changes or improvements. Your bow is strung, your arrows ready to fire, and your target may be closer to you than you perceive. You always see the bigger picture, and if you find yourself often missing out on the smaller picture (i.e. the details that can advance you towards your seemingly distant goals), the first half of June is a great time to compensate. When your ruling planet, Jupiter, enters Aries in conjunction with the Moon on the 6th, it's time to make bold (but not brash) decisions about your day to day life. Start your work now, and by Jupiter's trine with Venus on the 15th, you will start to see encouraging results. Not only will your lifestyle changes make you happier, but they will also attract the attention of your peers as the Moon transits your sign the 23rd through the 25th.
Your ruling planet, Saturn, rests comfortably in the 27-28th degree of Virgo for the entire month. This period of time will not be particularly productive, but rather a time for introspective consideration. As Saturn moves forward in our sky (after having stationed direct the end of last month), examine how your personality has manifested your ideals into reality, find your faults, and figure out where your life could use a firmer foundation: some maintenance, if you will. Organize your finances, and create a long term savings plan; you have a period of hard work ahead of you, and it won't necessarily result in great profit. Try to be diplomatic and avoid stubbornness in your interactions with your coworkers. A lunar eclipse in your sign might have you feeling lost at the end of the month; turn to your family for the love, support, and direction that your peers might fail to provide.
The New Moon squares your ruling planet, Uranus, on the 12th, creating a window of opportunity for your fast-moving thought process to cultivate your opinions and ideals into tangible accomplishments. You've always been a rebel, but with Uranus having recently transited to Aries, you'll be feeling bolder and more energized, empowered by a sense of vigor for your previously dormant ideas. Take advantage of this time period, because Uranus' opposition to the second quarter Moon on the 19th will a bring a world of distractions that could set the tone for an unproductive summer if you don't remained focused and diligent. After growing full, the Moon transits to your sign on the 28th while creating a sextile with your Uranus, which will shift your mentality towards invention and creativity.
Some new developments will throw you a curveball between the 3rd and the 5th (when the Moon is in your sign). Your best bet is to follow your intuition and simply go with the flow. Your planet, Neptune, has joined neighboring Pluto in retrograde. The movements of these outer planets seems to affect you especially since you don't necessarily have to see things to feel them. As if to complicate matters, Chiron, which entered Pisces last month and will remain there until November, begins its retrograde cycle on the fourth. For the first half of the month, pay attention to your dreams; they may be the key to assessing your deepest wounds (or faults) and figuring out how to heal them. Jupiter in Aries will help ease your generally restless nature and help you focus on specific parts of your life that need support to improve your well being. Be prepared to return to your romantic idealism when Mercury trines Neptune on the 24th. If it's a warm, clear night on the 30th, take a walk, look at the Moon, appreciate your fortunes, and start to think about how you can use your summer to advance yourself while engaging your social circle.
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