As the moon prepares to exit Leo and set the tone for our weekend with its entrance into Virgo this afternoon, don't expect many of your plans to come to fruition. The moon throughout its transit maintains an opposition to Neptune, which hangs on to the cusp of Aquarius for the next several days. This opposition in our sky cautions us to postpone any decisive action until this void-of-course moon settles into Virgo.
The relationship between Neptune and Aquarius is one that will guide our thoughts for the next few days. Neptune, the ruler of our dreams and romantic ideals, will fall victim to the woes of erratic Aquarius, which will emit unreliable and even contradictory energies throughout the weekend. Moreover, Neptune has an inherent connection with the poisons that enter our bodies, so be careful when indulging in drinking or drugs this weekend, especially while the moon and Neptune (the co-rulers of our bodily fluids) remain in opposition. Although Neptune's positioning will affect our thoughts and dreams, try not to let the spontaneous and rebellious spirit of Aquarius overtake your worldly sensibilities; look to our Sun in Taurus to keep yourself grounded and rational.
Wait for the moon's trine with Mercury Saturday morning to get down to business. By then, the moon will have settled well into Virgo, flooding our consciousness with practical thought and a keen attention to detail. However, keep in mind that Mercury remains in retrograde; expect communications to break down, and realize that we are in a period of time that is more suited for reflection than action.
Yes. The Conservatory of Dance must know that the moon and Neptune remain in opposition. No drinking or drugs this weekend at all.