Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daily Reading

Although the main event is tomorrow morning's Full Moon, today's energies will set the tone for this climactic turn of the lunar cycle. When the Moon is full (or entering its third quarter), everyone on Earth feels her power in some way. From a physical standpoint, she can be seen at her brightest, shining white and fully circular in our night sky. As if to poke her head into our daily business, the third quarter Moon can be seen rising in the east long before sundown (depending on where you are on Earth, of course). But the Full Moon is an issue for tomorrow. Today, we prepare ourselves.

Tonight, the Moon transits from Libra to Scorpio, tipping the scales towards our introverted, emotional indulgences. Feelings of passion, joy, love, and lust will all be intensified over the next few days. Neptune's relationship with our Moon comes into play once again; this time, they form a trine rendering both of them void (meaning neither will form another aspect before transiting to the next sign: Moon to Scorpio, Neptune to Pisces). As trines tend to foster synergy among planets, Neptune's dreaminess and the Moon's emotional comfort will leave us daydreaming and fantasizing to our hearts' content. Expect romanticism and idealism to be the norm today. The tricky part about Neptune's influence is its lasting impression of emotional sensitivity, which will be compounded by the Scorpio moon. As Neptune goes void, it may leave us with a feeling similar to the disappointment people felt after exiting the theater after watching "Avatar" (see Post-Avatar Depression Syndrome). OK, so maybe PADS is a bit ridiculous, but the notion that our physical world often falls short of our idealistic conceptualizations tends to come into play whenever Neptune is in our chart. As if to intentionally exacerbate the situation, the Moon also forms a quincunx with Uranus today, which will likely cause abrupt shifts in mood and attitude.
In other words, expect today to provide a degree of emotional instability. My advice: take today to buckle down on any projects that have been hanging over your head. A steady workflow can keep our focus off our dreams, fantasies, and emotions, not to mention that tomorrow's Full Moon will be provide a solid context for the completion of tasks and the culmination of plans.

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