August 2010 is shaping up to be a month of reevaluation, with the retrograde cycles of Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter, and Mercury aligning to remind us that appearances can be deceiving.
Although it may seem to you that your relationships and life's decisions are taking you in the direction you've been planning, it may be merely a product of perspective: an illusion, if you will. Try to step outside yourself and objectively examine why and how you've gotten to where you are, and what steps you need to take to start some momentum towards your eventual destination. Perspective, after all, is what gives humanity its unique dynamicism; when one sees determination, another may see stubbornness. Some see success, and some see greed, which is all the more reason to take with a grain of salt the pressures of the opinionated peanut gallery that commentates your life, i.e. your social critics or workplace superiors.
The month kicks off with an ongoing square between Jupiter and Pluto, which causes us a great deal of stress whenever our financial future or career is concerned. A concentration of planetary energy in Libra will hopefully inspire us to be honest with ourselves; mighty Saturn will help us to identify our inherent faults that spearate us from out ideal roles in society and the workplace. The pressure you're feeling now should be somewhat relieved come the 13th, when Uranus slips backwards through the zodiac into compassionate Pisces. Here it will find an explaination for the somewhat erratic decision making you've recently been making, be it in your love life or regarding your professional ambitions.
Speaking of your love life, you've probably felt a rising uncertainty in your sexual relationships. In a classic role reversal, Venus (the woman) chases Mars (the man) through Libra. Although they are both moving in the same direction, the two bodies move at different speeds, which makes for a less than stable relationship. Here, the duality of the Libra territory will come into play; as the sign of balance, it will instill in us (and our partners) a sense of comfort and harmony that may overshadow the underlying issues that generate our disagreements. However, the Libra scales also help us to make a more objective assessment of our situation; by weighing the options and examining both sides of an arguement, ideally we can make the right decisions that will bring us closer to a balanced state. The two planets conjoin perfectly on the 20th, so it is around this time that you should start to see some progress made in your relationships.
Unfortunately, just as we're starting to feel the love, Mercury begins its retrograde movement on the 20th, a cycle classically associated with confusion and miscommunication. But there is another side to this event; Mercury retrograde can also be a reflective period ideal for rejuvination. When Mercury shifts gears, it is time to assimilate and learn from the knowledge we've gained since the last Mercury retrograde ended in early May. While this time can be quite challenging for all interpersonal communications, it also provides a nice break from the tiny responsibilities associated with companionship that sometimes make our friendships seem to be more trouble than they're worth.
Alas, another opportunity to step outside yourself and take an intellectual approach to assessing the bigger picture; the stars suggest that you take advantage. You will learn a lot about yourself in the next three weeks.
Fortunately, the Sun's transit to Virgo (23rd) affords you an opportunity to act upon your newfound introspective wisdom. A Virgo sun is an ideal time for fixing anything that's broken. Take this time not only to help yourself, but to help others. Your compassion will be strongly supported by a full Moon in Pisces (which shortly thereafter sextiles Pluto, adding an extra emotional element to this lunar cycle) on the 24th. Reaching out to another person can be a great way to intellectually enlighten and emotionally fulfill yourself; however, remember to proceed with caution as Mercury remains in retrograde, playing tricks on us by disrupting communications not only with other people but within our own thought processes. You may quickly find yourself in over your head if you say "yes" one too many times. Do not be upset when your selfless endeavors don't receive the attention and appreciation they deserve.
The month closes out with Venus and Neptune moving towards a trine (not to be perfected until September) that will start to stimulate some inventive ideas. The Moon's transit to Gemini on the 31st will bring out our keenest intellect, making the end of August a perfect time to start a creative project such as making a piece of art or redecorating.
Stay tuned for a breakdown of the August horoscope by Sun sign.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Enter Sun in Leo
At 6:21 EST Thursday, the Sun will make its annual transit from Cancer to Leo. We've spent the past month in a water sign, which has cooled our summer impulses and perhaps brought a reality check to our lofty goals and fantasies. Like the Cancer crab, you've probably been feeling as if you're moving sideways instead of forwards. That's all about to change, so make sure you're pointed in the right direction come Thursday.
Enter Sun in Leo, a time for celebration, self-indulgence, and letting your ego shine. The astrological weather on and around this transit will help us to discern exactly how to approach this drastic shift of energy.
On Wednesday, Saturn will transit to Libra, the sign in which it started the year 2010. Saturn entered retrograde in January, regressing to Virgo and stationing direct there. Now, Saturn is finally moving on, and it begs the question: why aren't you? Although Saturn is classically known as the rule-maker, and is therefore branded as a combatant against change, it is only through Saturn that we can understand the laws and systems that hold us in balance. Saturn's rule from Libra will be harsh but just; only through understanding its controlling nature can we attempt to make plans and make changes. The fuel behind progress is the breaking of habits, and Saturn finds a perfect context in the harmonious scales of Libra for doing just that.

Thankfully, perfectly staged to break all the rules for us is mighty Uranus, God of gods before Saturn or Jupiter, regressing through the incredibly powerful point of Zero Aries. Its opposition to Saturn is certain to shake things up, and it won't be a gentle shaking, as both of these opposing planets square Pluto, another strong planet that is notorious for bringing about very exciting and intense circumstances. Expect that some peoples' energies and emotions will run far too high over the next two days.
As if called to action by this energetic intensification, Jupter springs into retrograde movement the day after the Sun's transit to move towards an unfriendly square with the increasingly popular Pluto. These planets are about to enter a power struggle of epic proportions, and the anticipation is building. This aspect does not bode well for our finances as individuals or as a nation. Be wary of any business interactions; greed will not be uncommon this week, and if you're not aware of it, you'll quickly become the victim.
Emotion. Excitement. Intense energy. These words are all too common (however inevitably appropriate) in any astrologer's reading when a cardinal t-square of this magnitude is in play: Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries, all planets resting within the earliest degrees of their respective cardinal signs. However, as Saturn is just settling into its new home in Libra, Uranus and Pluto teeter uncomfortably as they prepare to regress into Pisces and Sagittarius, respectively. I've included at the bottom an image of the zodiac upon the Sun's transit; in it you can clearly draw a "T" among these three planets.
For now, all eyes are on Saturn, and as astrologer Len Wallick says of the situation, "it’s comforting to know that the planet of conformity is behaving like we have a future". While Saturn's ingress into Libra is a hopeful endeavor, we must have ourselves oriented properly or we will quickly find ourselves traveling in the wrong direction. Set your sights, figure out where you want to go, get your finances in order, and most important, get ready. July 22nd is go time.

Note: This will likely be my last update at "Practical Astrology" for awhile. I've accepted a position writing for The Examiner, an online newspaper, so I'll be publishing my writings there. Don't worry, nothing's going to change, except that I'll be getting paid!
I'll post up a link to my Examiner page once it's up and running. Thanks to all who have followed Practical Astrology, and please continue to read my work!
Enter Sun in Leo, a time for celebration, self-indulgence, and letting your ego shine. The astrological weather on and around this transit will help us to discern exactly how to approach this drastic shift of energy.
On Wednesday, Saturn will transit to Libra, the sign in which it started the year 2010. Saturn entered retrograde in January, regressing to Virgo and stationing direct there. Now, Saturn is finally moving on, and it begs the question: why aren't you? Although Saturn is classically known as the rule-maker, and is therefore branded as a combatant against change, it is only through Saturn that we can understand the laws and systems that hold us in balance. Saturn's rule from Libra will be harsh but just; only through understanding its controlling nature can we attempt to make plans and make changes. The fuel behind progress is the breaking of habits, and Saturn finds a perfect context in the harmonious scales of Libra for doing just that.
Thankfully, perfectly staged to break all the rules for us is mighty Uranus, God of gods before Saturn or Jupiter, regressing through the incredibly powerful point of Zero Aries. Its opposition to Saturn is certain to shake things up, and it won't be a gentle shaking, as both of these opposing planets square Pluto, another strong planet that is notorious for bringing about very exciting and intense circumstances. Expect that some peoples' energies and emotions will run far too high over the next two days.
As if called to action by this energetic intensification, Jupter springs into retrograde movement the day after the Sun's transit to move towards an unfriendly square with the increasingly popular Pluto. These planets are about to enter a power struggle of epic proportions, and the anticipation is building. This aspect does not bode well for our finances as individuals or as a nation. Be wary of any business interactions; greed will not be uncommon this week, and if you're not aware of it, you'll quickly become the victim.
Emotion. Excitement. Intense energy. These words are all too common (however inevitably appropriate) in any astrologer's reading when a cardinal t-square of this magnitude is in play: Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries, all planets resting within the earliest degrees of their respective cardinal signs. However, as Saturn is just settling into its new home in Libra, Uranus and Pluto teeter uncomfortably as they prepare to regress into Pisces and Sagittarius, respectively. I've included at the bottom an image of the zodiac upon the Sun's transit; in it you can clearly draw a "T" among these three planets.
For now, all eyes are on Saturn, and as astrologer Len Wallick says of the situation, "it’s comforting to know that the planet of conformity is behaving like we have a future". While Saturn's ingress into Libra is a hopeful endeavor, we must have ourselves oriented properly or we will quickly find ourselves traveling in the wrong direction. Set your sights, figure out where you want to go, get your finances in order, and most important, get ready. July 22nd is go time.
Note: This will likely be my last update at "Practical Astrology" for awhile. I've accepted a position writing for The Examiner, an online newspaper, so I'll be publishing my writings there. Don't worry, nothing's going to change, except that I'll be getting paid!
I'll post up a link to my Examiner page once it's up and running. Thanks to all who have followed Practical Astrology, and please continue to read my work!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Things Fall Apart
Through in-depth conversations with correspondents of mine in various locations and social circles, it has been made clear to me that the past week has seen various forms of upheaval: that is, a shift away from a certain habit, constant, or way of life that has become a source of comfort through repetition and duration. In the approach to the Solar Eclipse of Sunday, I listened to and took notes on several tales of firings, theft, bankruptcy, breakups, and even hospitalization. In attempts to piece together this puzzle of poor fortunes, I turned to my trusty ephemeris chart and current astrological map. Surely enough, I found some answers too clear to be considered "coincidence".
It all started last Monday, July 5th, when Uranus entered retrograde. Uranus has always been a planet associated with bringing sudden change, and with its recent transit to Aries, it also inspires within us a sense of self-empowerment that could direct our decision making towards deviance. Moreover, an active sextile between the Sun and Mars (perfected just before the Solar Eclipse) has given us assertive confidence and the ability to initiate decisions we've been sitting on for some time. Meanwhile, Pluto and Uranus are at ends again, now forming a square that lays an emotional foundation for a time of inevitable change, which usually manifests itself as loss, be it of capital, health, a job, or even a loved one. Pluto is also moving towards a square with Jupiter, an aspect that in the past has brought bad tidings for financial matters.
The key operator here? The Solar Eclipse amongst the formation of a cardinal t-square has an incredibly intensifying effect; think of the phrase "playing with fire", except that you've soaked both arms in gasoline beforehand. This heavy-hitting cosmic dance is a perfect example of the dense, powerful, and rare astrology we've seen this year. So what next?

The past week has brought us many changes in our sky, and these past three days have felt more like a month than a weekend for many. I wish I could say that we've emerged unscathed from this turmoil, but that seems not to be the case. Although you may feel a bit downtrodden or even exhausted, go on about your business as you always have. Now is not the time to make any adjustments to your daily routine. Do what makes you feel happy, comfortable, and relaxed; if that's your job, then good for you. But if you're like most people I know, that means feeding a passion that you may have been neglecting as of late, be it arts, sports, cars, tanning... whatever. Do it.
Whether you're feeling down from recent loss or misfortune, or just feeling apathetic, confused, or restless, today's Leo Moon provides a starting point for moving on. However, Venus (having just entered Virgo, shining bright here in the New York sky this past weekend) cautions us that progress can only made through emotional understanding and compassion for your peers. Keep in mind that every person you encounter is just about as dynamic and multi-faceted as you are; they have an array of moods and a selection of personalities of which you likely only see a fraction, so try not to hold them at fault for any confusing signals they send you. They don't always mean exactly what they say, and they rarely can say exactly what they mean. Most of our relationships exist in the context of a complex and dynamic network that poses so many variables that it's hard to clearly identify our roles in the lives of others: or, as they would say on Facebook, "it's complicated".
The political and economic events of late, although concurrent with the small-scale social issues I've been observing, are far too plentiful and complex to start digging into right now. Still, ever present is our struggle with the relationship between self and society. Although the challenges and frustrations that have been plaguing the headlines for over a year now seem distant and somewhat removed from our personal lives, now is a time to figure out just how important these issues really are; pick your battles, and take on a concept that you previously considered too vast for the spectrum of your existence. The strength of the cardinal cross manifests itself here, specifically in the opposition of Aries (self) and Libra (relationships and harmony). Trial, error, and more error inform us that it is ourselves and ourselves alone who prevent us from achieving a happy balance amongst friends and acquaintances, love and kinship.
Use the image below to go outside sometime this week and find Venus in the sky. She will remind you that progress towards balance and happiness is made only through understanding and patience.
It all started last Monday, July 5th, when Uranus entered retrograde. Uranus has always been a planet associated with bringing sudden change, and with its recent transit to Aries, it also inspires within us a sense of self-empowerment that could direct our decision making towards deviance. Moreover, an active sextile between the Sun and Mars (perfected just before the Solar Eclipse) has given us assertive confidence and the ability to initiate decisions we've been sitting on for some time. Meanwhile, Pluto and Uranus are at ends again, now forming a square that lays an emotional foundation for a time of inevitable change, which usually manifests itself as loss, be it of capital, health, a job, or even a loved one. Pluto is also moving towards a square with Jupiter, an aspect that in the past has brought bad tidings for financial matters.
The key operator here? The Solar Eclipse amongst the formation of a cardinal t-square has an incredibly intensifying effect; think of the phrase "playing with fire", except that you've soaked both arms in gasoline beforehand. This heavy-hitting cosmic dance is a perfect example of the dense, powerful, and rare astrology we've seen this year. So what next?
The past week has brought us many changes in our sky, and these past three days have felt more like a month than a weekend for many. I wish I could say that we've emerged unscathed from this turmoil, but that seems not to be the case. Although you may feel a bit downtrodden or even exhausted, go on about your business as you always have. Now is not the time to make any adjustments to your daily routine. Do what makes you feel happy, comfortable, and relaxed; if that's your job, then good for you. But if you're like most people I know, that means feeding a passion that you may have been neglecting as of late, be it arts, sports, cars, tanning... whatever. Do it.
Whether you're feeling down from recent loss or misfortune, or just feeling apathetic, confused, or restless, today's Leo Moon provides a starting point for moving on. However, Venus (having just entered Virgo, shining bright here in the New York sky this past weekend) cautions us that progress can only made through emotional understanding and compassion for your peers. Keep in mind that every person you encounter is just about as dynamic and multi-faceted as you are; they have an array of moods and a selection of personalities of which you likely only see a fraction, so try not to hold them at fault for any confusing signals they send you. They don't always mean exactly what they say, and they rarely can say exactly what they mean. Most of our relationships exist in the context of a complex and dynamic network that poses so many variables that it's hard to clearly identify our roles in the lives of others: or, as they would say on Facebook, "it's complicated".
The political and economic events of late, although concurrent with the small-scale social issues I've been observing, are far too plentiful and complex to start digging into right now. Still, ever present is our struggle with the relationship between self and society. Although the challenges and frustrations that have been plaguing the headlines for over a year now seem distant and somewhat removed from our personal lives, now is a time to figure out just how important these issues really are; pick your battles, and take on a concept that you previously considered too vast for the spectrum of your existence. The strength of the cardinal cross manifests itself here, specifically in the opposition of Aries (self) and Libra (relationships and harmony). Trial, error, and more error inform us that it is ourselves and ourselves alone who prevent us from achieving a happy balance amongst friends and acquaintances, love and kinship.
Use the image below to go outside sometime this week and find Venus in the sky. She will remind you that progress towards balance and happiness is made only through understanding and patience.
cardinal t-square,
solar eclipse,
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