Friday, January 14, 2011


Yesterday, an article from the Minneapolis Star Tribune sparked a viral panic that spread faster and farther than any real virus could ever hope to. Even my own mother, who has a Facebook but resents it and neglects the site entirely, woke me up with an e-mail this morning: "Ryan, is this new zodiac thing for real?".
I have one answer for mom (and everybody else). And it's a simple one. NO!

This article reports on the "findings" of Park Kunkle, board member of the Minnesota Planetarium Society. Kunkle asserts that the moon's gravitational pull causes the Earth to wobble on its axis, causing the 12 constellations of the zodiac to shift slowly along the ecliptic, a 360 degree circle that traces the path of the Sun as viewed from Earth. In astrology, we often use a two dimensional manifestation of our sky (horoscopes, birth charts, etc.), which is simply a map of the ecliptic. For example...

Barack Obama's natal chart

Let me set the record straight here. This is no discovery. Precessional movement, or simply precession, is a physical term applied to a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body. It is a basic principle of physics; it explains why a spinning top cannot remain spinning perfectly upright. Aristarchus of Samos (c. 280 BCE) was the first known astronomer to apply this principle to the Earth, establishing the notion of a variable rotational pattern for our planet.

Now, astrologers may not be scientists, but we're also not stupid. To believe that astrologers have ignored such a fundamental physical truth of astronomy for over 2000 years is... well, it's just plain silly. In fact, precession has been observed and accounted for since the time of Aristarchus.

Wait, so that means that astrologers have known about the shifting constellations, but have ignored it and lied to horoscope readers for thousands of years?
Believe it or not, some people actually believe this.

In fact, Kunkle's findings are completely irrelevant to astrology as we know it. His assertions about the constellations regard the sidereal zodiac, which is based solely on the positions of the stars. The sidereal zodiac is rarely used today, although it is fundamental to practitioners of Vedic (Indian) astrology. Western astrology employs a tropical zodiac, which uses the alignment of the sun with the Earth's equator as well as its tropics (hence tropical zodiac, hence the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). These 4 points (the first degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, the cardinal signs) are locked in position by definition of the Sun's relationship to specific points on Earth.

Using these four points as references, we divide the ecliptic into 12 equal parts, yielding the zodiac we know and love.


These points comprise the cardinal cross, a very powerful structure of the zodiac. Those of you who have been reading Practical Astrology have heard plenty about the importance first degree of Aries, being the beginning of the zodiac as well as the head of the cardinal cross. The Aries Point (also called Sidereal Vernal Point or SVP) is a term used to refer to the position of the sun upon the vernal equinox, which changes every year due to the effects of precession. While it represents the beginning of the tropical zodiac, sidereally speaking, the Aries Point now lies in the constellation Pisces. It has drifted over the past two millennia from 0 degrees Aries to about 5 degrees Pisces, moving in retrograde at a rate of about 1 degree every 70 years towards Aquarius (hence the dawning of the age of Aquarius, a reference to astrological eras being defined by the location of the SVP).

Astrologer Eric Francis makes a very interesting point regarding humankind's handling of precession. "We don’t adjust Christmas one day every 70 years," says Francis, "but sure enough, eventually, Dec. 25 will fall in the middle of Northern Hemisphere summer, with no help from global warming."

To sum it up: in the time of Aristarchus, before the birth of Jesus, the tropical and sidereal zodiacs were roughly aligned. Since then, precession has caused them to drift apart by 23 degrees, almost an entire zodiac sign (30 degrees). This fact has been known to us since Aristarchus, therefore it is hardly news that when we talk about the Sun being in Scorpio, it is technically (once again, speaking sidereally) in Virgo or Libra. Therefore, there is no "new zodiac". The tropical zodiac we've always used has not changed, and we will continue to use it. Your zodiac sign has not changed.

As for all this hype about a 13th zodiac sign (Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer), I must stress once again that this is not news. Indeed, there are more than 12 constellations along the ecliptic; in fact, there are about two dozen of them, depending on your definition of "along the ecliptic" (most astronomers leave about 8 or 9 degrees around the exact ecliptic). Ophiuchus itself only partially intersects the ecliptic, which is why it was not used as part of the zodiac when the Babylonians drafted the first charts almost 3000 years ago. 12 of the biggest, brightest constellations at the time were chosen to evenly distribute the 360 degrees of the ecliptic into 30 degree segments, each characterized by the mythology behind its star formation.

Ophiuchus, aka Serpentarius
Ophiuchus, aka Serpentarius

I've heard some startling examples of misinformation regarding this recent information, so I hope I've cleared most of it up for you. As for accusations that this so-called finding "debunks" astrology... ridiculous. Scientists hate (perhaps even fear?) anything they can't prove or disprove, which is why they're so quick to take a jab at us given any opportunity (which, as it turns out in this case, is more or less a hoax). Trying to apply science to astrology is like applying history to religion; naturally, there will be a conflict of interest.

Don't panic, people. This is a passing craze, and astrology will resume its refreshingly artful and spiritual place in our lives, undisturbed, soon enough.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Signing Off, For Now

It has been a privilege to write horoscopes and blog about astrology for the past year or so. It was a joy to be able to combine two of my greatest passions: astrology and writing.

I will continue to look to the heavens for some guidance through these uncertain times, and I hope you all do the same. Whatever 2011 may bring, I'm sure we will all at some point benefit from some interstellar enlightenment. However, my work schedule is making it increasingly difficult to give my horoscope writing the time and attention it deserves. Also, in the interest of not ignoring my other passions, I have recently begun several musical projects that are going to occupy any free time I may find.

Therefore, Practical Astrology is now officially "inactive"

I'd like to say a brief thank you for everyone who read and gave feedback on my writing. Thank you to everyone who opened their minds to the possibilities of astrology.

Life is a complex, interesting, and sometimes daunting journey; travel safely, and may the stars be with you.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mer(cu)ry Retrograde, and Happy Full Moon!

You've probably heard the hype about it. A total lunar eclipse with a Full Moon (in Gemini) aligns with the winter solstice as well as the Sun's transit to Capricorn, an extremely rare phenomenon that hasn't happened since 1638. To catch tonight the most visibly stunning lunar eclipse seen in North America in several years, stand outside around 3:00am EDT, look up, and enjoy. Or, if you're a morning person, you should be able to catch some eye candy until around 5am tomorrow.


Witnessing this phenomenon serves to remind us of our part in a much larger play happening around us. With the Sun and Moon moving into earth and water signs (respectively), we have an opportunity to be wise and pensive, with patience as a functional virtue. In fact, patience and tact are going to be crucial in the upcoming days, as out Sun heads for the wake of some dense planetary aspects amidst a Mercury retrograde cycle.

A brief history lesson can help us to know what to expect from this rare and powerful astrology.

Fast paced Mercury and fiery, passionate Mars have proved a powerful pairing with retrograde cycles recently. Back in August, at the head of Mercury's last retrograde station, the conjunction (and subsequent separation) of Mars with romantic counterpart Venus in cardinal Libra created a very unstable scenario for relationships. Trust was an issue, which led to feelings of isolation when we realized that we could not reliably communicate with and interact with one another.

Next, it was Venus' turn to trick our eyes and move backwards through the zodiac in early October, just after a second conjunction with Mars. When Venus turned around to relive its past, Mars pressed forward and never looked back. Later that month, Mercury stepped in to conjoin the wayward Venus just as Mars entered fiery Sagittarius to add a dramatic and potentially volatile aspect to our relationships. As a result, arguments and misunderstandings were the theme for early November, all the way up to the 17th when Venus stationed direct.

This Mercury retrograde, which began Friday the 10th, is affected by another strong aspect with Mars: a three-way conjunction with Pluto as an overbearing third wheel. Said conjunction occurred last week in the early degrees of Capricorn, an aspect that created a powerful cardinal square to the Moon's ingress of Aries. Studying the patterns of Mercury and Mars, incorporating the drama and intensity of Pluto, and considering the power of the early degrees of these cardinal signs (Capricorn and Aries), one can see the amassing of some very powerful energies around the next big happening: the alignment of the center of our solar system and the center of our galaxy this past Saturday*.

Communication and its failure being the operative downfall in Mercury retrogrades, remember to think before you speak. Especially with Mars and Pluto involved, we are to quick to overdramatize a situation, and even quicker to assess blame and start an argument. Relax. The energy of tomorrow represents a bubbling over of forces, and you will feel less pressure afterwards. Sit down face to face with someone you trust this week, and relay off them your uncertainties. Their feedback will help you not only with your issues at hand, but also to establish reliable communications with someone who you care about. They will similarly appreciate the experience.


Looking forward now, the disintegration of the action in early Capricorn paves the sun a road of acquiring practical knowledge and experience, especially as it distances itself from retrograde Mercury. Sun in Capricorn is a time of practicality: an opportunity to assess your failures and/or open your ears to learning from the successes of your superiors or ancestors. Additionally, Venus is in her echo phase (covering new ground since her retrograde cycle), which gives us an increased appreciation for the beauty and love of our close friends and family (in true holiday spirit).

Mercury stations direct two days before the New Year, and 2011 kicks off with a Moon in Sagittarius, marking a perfect opportunity to make a realistic resolution for the New Year. 2010 was an exciting year for astrology, and writing about it has been a challenging, complex, and incredibly rewarding experience. We'll talk soon about the astrological offerings of 2011.

Until then, happy winter!

*Happening once a year, the Sun's alignment with the galactic core often gives us some rare insight about ourselves. Whatever you spent this past Saturday night doing alongside this alignment is indicative of your ideal relationships, and the connections you made probably taught you something about the way you interact with those close to you (or those you want to bring closer to you). However, this major alignment acts now only as a factor in the equation that sums the great powers of this upcoming solstice/eclipse/transit/Full Moon.

Friday, October 29, 2010

November 2010: Thoughts Into Actions

In order to piece together the astrological happenings of upcoming November, we must first look back upon the events of this past week to provide a little background.

On Saturday, the 23rd, our brilliant autumn Sun left the scales of air sign Libra for the water sign Scorpio. This transit corresponded with Mars (in Scorpio) and Uranus in a communicative aspect: a trine perfected just over a day after Sun in Scorpio. The next morning (just over 22 hours later) marked another major aspect: the conjunct meeting of Mercury and retrograde Venus, also in Scorpio. Mercury and Mars, two highly active planets at the moment, seem to be weaving their way in and out of the narrative of our luminaries (Sun and Moon), and the so the tales of the quick thinker and the brave warrior are the ones that parallel our own stories this November.

So, here we stand at the end of October, emboldened by this Mars aspect as well as its recent transit to Sagittarius (Oct. 28th). Consider Mars (to the Greek, Ares) the general of your emotional army; it's the part of you that strikes back when attacked as well as the initiator of plans and actions. This aspect with Uranus, notorious for breaking rules and conventions, encourages us to be just a little bit more daring than usual. Be adventurous, as you are likely to feel more comfortable with experimenting outside of your comfort zones.

For those who've been following since September, think back to the cooling down effect when Jupiter's retrograde transit to Pisces left all three fire signs devoid of major planetary action. Mars in Sagittarius is the first instance of a fire sign transit since early September, and who better than the red planet (fieriest of the fiery, if you will) to let us know that things are heating up again? And Mars is not alone; Mercury follows suit with its transit to Sagittarius on the 8th. These developments urge us to start making some big plans, but also to be realistic about how to implement them.

Also important in this trend are Neptune and major asteroid Chiron, whose direct motion begins (Nov. 7th and 5th, respectively) in intellectual Aquarius. This sign is notorious for its mental steadfastness, and these planets encourage us to formulate one major plan towards which we can commit and focus our intellects.

Think, plan, formulate. When does the action come into play? As Mars and Mercury press further into Sagittarius, we'll feel more and more eager to put our brilliant ideas to good use. The answer is patience. Venus retrograde is the overarching inhibitor here; this goddess of desire puts all her chips on the table with a backwards transit to its home sign of Libra on the 7th. Our internal communications are not at their sharpest while Venus is retrograde, and we may find ourselves not unlike dogs chasing cars, pursuing certain ideals without really knowing why. Learning lessons the hard way can be avoided by being absolutely positive that you want something before acting upon it.

The opportunity for major action begins November 18th, when both Venus and Jupiter end their retrograde cycles. And what better a time? The cloak of Venusian confusion will be lifted, and giant Jupiter (who guards closely our big dreams and plans) will be moving forward for the first time since July. Subsequent to these stations is a Full Moon in Taurus on the 21st, which will help bring our long term plans to fruition and will also reward our patience. Moreover, the Sun will soon enter Sagittarius (22nd) heightening the already exciting energy in this fire sign.

So in summary, the drill for November is: start to formulate your plans, and make them big if you see an opportunity. Anticipate the major developments or realizations of said plans to ideally take place right around the 18th-22nd, and you'll be incredibly fulfilled by your accomplishments. The end of the month (especially the 29th and 30th) will have a denouement feel, so take that time to revel in your successes and enjoy some peace and quiet.

But for now, things are heating up...

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 2010: Sun Sign Horoscopes

Your worries about the bigger picture have stayed themselves for now, but they'll be back in 2011 (soon enough!). In the meantime, your creativity and productivity are on the rise, gaining steam towards the end of the month with your Full Moon on the 22nd and Mars' transit to Sagittarius on the 28th. You're sure to be a powerhouse this month, so make sure you stay busy; your excess energy will get the best of you if you don't put it to good use. Your planet, Mars, is moving through Scorpio, which gives you a focused energy that makes you a force to be reckoned with. Your assertiveness will aid your ambition this month, so don't be afraid to speak your mind. Of course, always be sensitive to the needs of others; not everyone moves at your pace.

Although you'll start the month with an optimistic outlook, you'll start to feel by one week in that you're swimming against the tide. Your planet, Venus, turns retrograde on the 8th, which will make you easily irritable, so make a conscious attempt to be patient with those that try to help you. A concentration of planetary energy opposite your sign will likely cause you to seek comfort in introversion. However, the only way you'll get through this month is by communicating with those you trust, so speak up. Don't be frustrated if you don't get the peace and quiet you usually enjoy; turbulence will be the norm until Venus stations direct in mid-November.

Your planet Mercury has recently entered its echo phase (covering new ground after its retrograde cycle), so start making plans to move forward into some new territory. Mercury ingresses Libra on the 3rd, indicating a perfect launch point for whatever you have planned. Saturn in Libra (conjoining Mercury on the 8th) will keep things in perspective for you, as well as bring out your most practical and responsible side, making this month a great time for growth and advancement in the workplace. Quick-footed Mercury moves freely and unrestricted through your Fifth House this month, encouraging you to be creative. Work hard, stay productive, and enjoy a burst of energy as Mercury conjoins the Sun on the 16th. You will enjoy the fruits of your labor come the Full Moon on the 22nd, just as your planet slips into watery Scorpio. Save the last week of this month for some rest, relaxation, and reflection.

There is a lot of action going on in your Fourth House of home and family. If you're struggling to find peace, stability, or a certain balance with your family members, look to your past for the answers. Your childhood/young adulthood experiences and decisions have taken you to where you are now, so don't neglect them. October kicks off with the Moon (your luminary) in your sign, which marks an ideal time to reflect upon your younger self. What patterns can you recognize? Venus retrograde this month will make you uneasy as your romantic relationships lose steam and seem to be stalling themselves. However, romance is not hopeless, and your confidence will be restored when the Sun ingresses Scorpio on the 23rd. Turn on the charm the last week of this month; others will notice, and likely admire.

This month, with your Sun in the air sign Libra, you should start to feel somewhat more energetic and unfettered, especially as Mercury moves to conjoin the Sun on the 16th. However, Saturn in your Third House of communication suggests that you watch your words and give respect where it is due, especially to your elders and superiors. Neptune retrograde in your Seventh House of partnerships combined with Venus in retrograde will make things especially difficult for you and your romantic partner(s). You seem like somewhat of a loose cannon these days, and therefore appear a risky investment to anyone interested; take extra measures to assure your partner that you are trustworthy. When the Sun transits to Scorpio on the 23rd, you'll be blessed with an introspective capacity to assess exactly how you feel about the important people in your life. Your thoughts may be laden with regrets from the near past, but don't let that stop you from reflecting on your mistakes and learning about your relationships.

Your planet, Mercury, enters Libra on the 3rd. Here it will interact with ever-critical Saturn, reminding you of everything you don't like about yourself. Although you will be at your most self-conscious towards the beginning of the month (especially when Saturn conjoins Mercury on the 8th), you can still make good use of this time by being completely honest with yourself; if there really is something about yourself that bothers you, make a detailed plan of how to make some changes. Now is the time. Be sure not to dwell on your shortcomings, because when Mercury enters Scorpio on the 20th, it's time to move on. From this point on, you'll communicate with a heightened sense of confidence, having learned some important information (earlier this month) about how you interact socially.

The action is heating up in your sign this month, and your classically levelheaded personality may not be able to handle the excitement. Don't worry; sobering Saturn is there to ensure that things don't get out of hand. However, Venus (your ruling planet) retrograde in your Second House of wealth does not bode well for your finances, so be sure to keep track of all major expenditures. October is a time to play it safe with your money, even at the risk of seeming frugal. When the Sun ingresses Scorpio on the 23rd, it will illuminate your planet Venus in retrograde, which is likely to cause a great deal of emotional discomfort, especially for you mid-October birthdays. Don't expect much of a resolution until Venus stations direct mid-November.

The cosmic lovers Mars and Venus meet up and walk through your sign hand-in-hand the first week this month. Just as things are looking up, Venus stations retrograde on the 8th and turns everything around. After this point, people, things, or even thoughts that previously comforted you may make you feel uneasy. If you're not careful, you'll find yourself lost in your past, concerned more with decisions already made than the ones that face you now. The Moon's presence in Scorpio (8th-10th) alongside Venus' retrograde station gives a deeper, more emotional spin to this already over-dramatic encounter. This Venus retrograde may feel downright awkward for you, similar to the sensation of walking around backward. The lesson to be learned is that the direction you're facing is not necessarily the direction in which you're headed. Keep your chin up; your thoughts will clear, and your act will start to come together when the Sun lands in your sign on the 23rd.

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, has been dancing with the planet Uranus (in both direct and retrograde motion) on the cusp of Pisces and Aries, an incredibly powerful yet sensitive spot in our sky. You've likely been having more rapid mood swings than usual, and you've probably been changing your long-term plans on a daily basis. Things should start settling down by about one week into the month. Both Jupiter and Uranus are now retrograde, roughly conjunct in compassionate Pisces. As Jupiter drifts away from slow-moving Uranus, you'll start to realize how important your relationships (friends and family) are to your development as an individual. In the workplace, you're likely to be more of a team player, and you'll realize that things go easier for you when you play by the rules. This month is a great time to reach out to someone you appreciate and do something nice for them.

Pluto direct in the early degrees of your sign, combined with a concentration of energy (including your ruling planet, Saturn) in your Tenth House of career, should give you a clear idea of how to navigate the necessary long-term structures and processes that lead towards success (whatever your definition of the word may be). Your planet Saturn conjoins the New Moon in Libra on the 7th; it's a good idea to start an important project at this point, because your focus and patience will be at an all time high. You'll be a lot more sociable and outgoing than usual this month after Saturn conjoins Mercury on the 8th, and you may even find yourself stretched thin. Mars enters your Twelfth House of secrets on the 28th, marking a perfect time to get in the alone time you've been waiting for.

Your ruling planet, Uranus, is causing you a great deal of stress regarding your finances as it drifts backwards through your Second House of possessions. You've never been much of a materialistic person, and the fact that money is stressing you compounds your frustration. To worsen the situation, retrograde Neptune in your sign will have you feeling like nobody understands your plight. But dig deep, Aquarian; it is not empathy that you seek, nor is it money. You're searching for knowledge, growth, and most importantly, excitement, and there's no better time to satisfy your urges than under the guidance of Mercury, Saturn, and Sun in your Ninth House of new experiences. Take some time to travel to a new place, and your new experiences will give you a new perspective that should quell your restlessness.

The energies of retrograde partners Uranus and Jupiter (a key planet for you) in your sign seem to be unwelcome visitors; they make you uncomfortable, and with good reason. You're never a fan of drama, but it seems to have no problem finding you this month. Thankfully, Saturn is backing you up in your Eighth House of extreme circumstances should things come to a heated point. Assert yourself amongst your peers, but be respectful of their ideas. Your ruling planet, Neptune, is moving retrograde through your Twelfth House of fantasies, strongly tempting you to drift away into daydreams and avoid reality. Those who use drugs and alcohol as an escape are likely to go through their stashes more quickly this month, as the delusions of the surreal make for a liberating escape from the burdens of reality. Pluto in your Tenth House of career reminds you of these realities and warns you of the costs of ignorance. Try to stay sharp this October, for you are at your most vulnerable, at least until the Sun transits to a friendly water sign on the 23rd.

Make sure you also check out the general reading for October.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

October 2010 - Balance

The transition of energies that occurred in September under the self-critical Virgo Sun and fiery Aries Full Moon has caused rapid fluctuations in our confidence levels. For example, you've probably come home one night from work and had a realization that you're very happy; you feel privileged and you love your life. The next morning you wake up, and you don't even want to see yourself in the mirror. You feel lost or confused; your confidence is shattered.

Let's face it, we all struggle to place our self-images in the world around us, and it's never easily done. It often seems like the image doesn't quite fit; it seems somehow different from its context, but impalpably so. Similarly, we often feel like we're making too many compromises with the world around us. Everyone else has their own agenda, and every single thing has its place and purpose. True happiness can only come from discovering and establishing the equilibria between oneself and literally everything else, which brings us to this month's theme: balance.

We've been feeling a bit scattered lately, as the previously concentrated planets have now begun to spread themselves thin across the cosmos. While I'll do my best to summarize the astrological weather of the month, October is going to be quite a mixed bag. Be prepared for several ups and downs.

This October, we find ourselves in a lunar cycle capped on both ends by a Full Moon in Aries; one back on September 23, and coming October 22. These Full Moons are heated with a direct, decisive energy that settles any inner disputes about oneself. However, both these Full Moons oppose the Sun's transit through Libra, which urges us to balance our own happiness by pleasing others as well. October is the month in which you will most easily find a balance between your own needs and the needs of those you care about.

And speaking of those you care about, you'll be scrambling to figure out the ins and outs of your romantic life this month. Although an early-month conjunction of the cosmic lovers Mars and Venus coincides nicely with Mercury's entrance into Libra on the 3rd, Venus retrograde (beginning the 8th, lasting until mid-November) is no time for making progress in your love life. You'll feel as if you're living in the past, as your decisions last month (and maybe beyond) come back to haunt you now. Mercury in Libra does make for a comfortable forum for communication, so be sure to talk things out with your partner and help each other discover the important balance of taking and giving. After all, you will still need them to satisfy your Venus-in-Scorpio desires.

This month will be a good time to develop your social life. You will be at your most charming and outgoing as Mercury swings through Libra to conjoin the Sun on the 16th. Although stern Saturn's slow shuffle through Libra may have you feeling conservative, with "no" being your operative comfort word, try to be at least a little bit adventurous, and you'll be surprised at how well you thrive. Meet some new people, and even consider starting new relationships (platonic or amorous); they have the potential to grow stronger and more serious as the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd.

Don't be discouraged when retrograde Venus puts a damper on your developments this month. Remember that for every two steps you go forward, it's acceptable (and often advisable) that you take one step back. You receive, you give. The operative word is balance.

Breakdown by Sun sign coming soon.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jungian Synchronicity

Great article from Astrodienst about Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity and how it applies to astrology. Check it out!

Astrodienst - Synchronicity