Thursday, August 12, 2010

Weekend Forecast

This week has been a bit more dramatic than you had hoped it would be. Moon conjoin Sun in Leo is a very energetic combination; tempers run high, and people feel pressured to assert themselves more than usual. Everyone around you has a need for attention, and they are not doing a very good job of hiding it right now. The constant clamoring for applause and appreciation may have you at the end of your patience. Keep a cool head for a little while longer, and as Uranus departs from Aries late Friday night, you should feel some relief of your increasing aggravation.

The Moon has joined our ever powerful cardinal cross, opposing Jupiter, squaring Pluto, and conjoining Saturn in the earliest degrees of Libra. This has raised our awareness of our connections with those around us as well as our importance in the grander schemes of our society. You are likely to feel more emotional about a certain issue that until now has felt somewhat distant, be it the war, the oil spill, or any other large-scale issue.

Now, the Moon moves through Libra alongside Mars and Venus. As these planets move towards conjunction, we will start to feel a decrease in the pressures of our relationships. An increase in comfort and a decrease in tension will enable us to communicate better with one another, ultimately strengthening our intellectual connections.

A Moon in Scorpio Saturday and Sunday combined with a short list of planetary aspects should make for a rather uncomplicated two days. Take some time to get to know and get closer with one of your friends or acquaintances. Jupiter opposite Saturn will have you feeling stressed overly self-critical next week, but save your worries for then. Right now, enjoy the beautiful weather, and appreciate the simple things in life that we sometimes take for granted, i.e. a trustworthy relationship.


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