Mercury in retrograde. If these words mean anything to you, they probably carry connotations of confusion and unstable communications. They may rouse memories of misunderstanding, or of decisions made and later regretted. Integral to the retrograde cycle of Mercury, our great communicator (and nimble trickster), is the notion that our communicative processes are not in sync: not within ourselves, and definitely not with others. Mercury retrograde is a time to double check every agreement you make and scour your agenda for any little details that may surface later as larger issues. The trickster Mercury tends to bury his foolery in the minutia of our day to day lives, and therefore we must be very detail oriented and attentive to our critical tendencies.
You do not have to believe in the existence of a God, a higher organizational force, or a trickster deity to understand the effects of Mercury retrograde. The trickster is within us, the trickery involving no malicious foul play but rather a distortion of perspectives. Such is the astronomical nature of this cycle; Mercury has not actually changed directions, but only appears to move backwards in our sky when the Earth (in its shorter orbital ellipse, being closer to the Sun) passes it.
Although Mercury retrograde happens rather frequently (about every four months), it always seems to take a different approach to putting certain things in perspective. Similarly, its effects on our relationships can vary from cycle to cycle. Just as we use context clues to discern the meaning of a complicated or obscure word, so we must observe the context of this retrograde cycle to decipher its meaning and anticipate its effects. This is not so much predictive astrology as an attempt to tap into the energies of the orbital bodies to help us emerge a benefactor rather than a victim of this predictably cruel astrological weather.
Most prevalent in our sky at the moment Mercury began its retrograde motion two days ago (the 20th) was a conjunction of Mars and Venus in Libra. As these cosmic lovers move at different speeds, their brief meeting (and most ideal situation for connection and compromise in the harmonious Libra scales) is tainted by a lack of trust. Trust, the ability to take your partner's word as fact, is the most fundamental operator in intimate relationships. Without it, there can be no development as individuals or as a team; you are stopped cold at the surface of this other individual. This is not an impass, but rather an obstacle that (should both partners acknowledge its existence) can be worked through with very direct and honest dialogue.
The Sun's transit to Virgo (which is both ruled by Mercury and home to this retrograde cycle) on the 23rd will set the tone for the next few weeks. The theme is details, details, details, and there's no better place to iron out the little wrinkles in the fabric of our socio-romantic lives than in critical Virgo. Now is not a time to make plans or move forward, but rather reflect upon and learn from the ups and downs your relationships have experienced over the past several months. Mercury retrograde in Virgo is an ideal time to assimilate knowledge into practical, useable information that can be utilized for self-improvement.
I consider this Mercury retrograde to be the third (and most powerful) in a series, in that this is the third consecutive retrograde cycle occurring in an Earth sign (last winter in Capricorn, last spring in Taurus, now in Virgo). In each of these cycles, Mercury draws strength from its proximity to the Sun, giving it an added burst of energy that seems to shorten our tempers and limit our patience. However, patience and caution are the only proven counters to the trickster's woes, so don't be fooled into making decisions in an angry or emotional unstable state. The Earth sign context of these happenings gives us a firm grounding, and prevents us from completely losing ourselves in the mayhem; however, Earth signs also have us at our most self-critical, rendering us weak and subject to persuasion, most notably in our professional lives. Especially challenging for our aspirations will be Jupiter's retrograde transit to Pisces on the 9th. Be sure of yourself; you know what your goals are, and don't lose sight of them.
One last caution: Venus' transit to Scorpio on the 7th will likely inspire you to seek new intimate friends or even sexual partners. Remember, new acquaintances are hard to read, especially when our perspectives are distorted by Mercury's slight of hand. It's okay to be adventurous, but beware of any agreements you make or permanent changes you make to any of your relationships; you may realize how deeply you regret your decisions after Mercury stations direct on the 12th. Proceed with caution.
And remember: it's all in the details.