The Uranus transit to Aries is pretty big time. After a 7 year stint in Pisces, Uranus moves to Aries (the first sign of the zodiac), restarting it's cycle around the sun. This happens about every 83 years. Uranus is a planet notorious for bringing out the unexpected in any situation; it revels in suddenness and delights in last-minute plan changes, complete reversals, and shock effects. As a result, it's also good for jolting us out of any circumstances that may have us feeling stagnant, or even trapped. In this transit, Uranus' energies will likely become empowered, driven to action (sometimes as far as a complete ignorance of obstacles or consequences) by the Aries ram, which is considered the symbol of self. The intensity of impetuous Aries, a masculine cardinal fire sign (pretty much the boldest of the bold), combined with the uncertainties of Uranus make for a very exciting time.
Uranus last transited into Aries on March 31, 1927; one week later, the Bell Telephone Company transmitted its first television image from New York to DC. I'm expecting some major technological advances over the next few years, as Uranus tends to carry with it some serious genius potential. However, these advances will carry consequences, which is where Aries will come into play; as we boldly ram our way into worlds of new technologies, we'll likely (in true Aries spirit) overlook the potential externalities of our developments. Will these new technologies destroy our labor markets? Will they widen the gap between the rich and the poor? Will they even further destroy our Mother Earth than we already have?
Archie Dunlop, a professional astrologer, has his own concerns:
"My most disturbing suggestion about Uranus moving into Aries relates to cell phones. The planet Uranus is about technology, and is also about radiation - after all, in symbolic terms Uranus has a link with uranium. The sign Aries, in traditional astrology, relates to the head. Under these circumstances, Uranus' stay in Aries could see the first hard evidence that use of cell phones can lead to brain tumours.
Interestingly, a WHO study has just been released, looking at the correlation between cell phone use and cancer. The results have been labelled 'inconclusive', and that's probably not surprising. Cancers can take decades to develop, yet use of cell phones only really took off in the late 1990s. Still, the study did suggest that very heavy use of cell phones could increase the chances of getting certain types of brain tumour.
The WHO study has received a lot of press coverage, and it came out as Uranus was moving through the last degree of Pisces, in preparation for its switch into Aries. Few people seem worried by its findings. However in a couple of years time, when Uranus is firmly in Aries, another study could come out, that's a complete bombshell.
In the mean time, play it safe. Your cell phone is a useful device, that can save your life in an emergency. However until Uranus leaves Aries, in 2019, you shouldn't make assumptions about its safety."